About Us:

sandip patil Guidebest Compost Techniques.

Sandip Patil

Role : Director of waste Management Company

Types of Company Manufacturer.

Social Work- Tree plantation, awareness of waste disposal.


 I am professional Environmental Engineer, have 5 year experience in industry, I have completed my Education in Electronics Engineering at Nagpur University, I have invented first Solar Powered Compost Machine in India. I have good knowledge about Composting and different techniques to dispose waste. Alas I am very interested in Eco-friendly Product & also Environmental gift.  I am Director of waste management Company Klimrus Sustainable Solution Pvt. Ltd. also I like to design and develop Project Regarding Composting.

We at Klimrus Sustainable Solutions provide sustainable and low cost solutions for organic waste disposal. Our Method is simple and yet effective. Waste is first segregated into dry and wet waste. Wet waste collected it then shredded into smaller particles in order to catalyse composting. We utilise Solar energy to effectively convert wet waste into compost. We manufacture and Install such machines to ensure you meet the necessary compliances( SWM rules 2016) or simply install machines for the benefit of environment.