Solar Powered Compost Machine is better than Electrical Automatic Machine

Compost Machine

Solar powered Compost Machine is better than Electrical machine

Solar powered Compost Machine techniques is natural composting techniques.

Compost Machine
best method to dispose waste using solar.


Today you will get every useful information about composting and Compost Machine available in market. Composting play an important role in market now a days. everyone is finding a sustainable solution to dispose waste at  home or in society there so many people are using Electrical powered compost machine which convert waste into compost.

Many  more people in life have developed their own machines which convert waste into fertilizer. many people passionate about composting techniques and new innovation about compost ideas. compost techniques is not a rocket science or skill but if you do in proper way, you will do compost within less time.  some people know this technique and  some people finding best solution to dispose waste at home or in society to make compost.  Some people use compost machine or some of them do manually.

Let’s discuss about compost machine which available in market & how does they work?

1.Electrical Compost Machine – Automatic Composter 24 hours.

Automatic Compost Machine in market have multiple disadvantages than ordinary machines , this is an automatic composter which convert organic waste into compost within 24 hours. this Machine made up of stainless steel & has square or rectangle shape. just you have put waste into machine and after 24 hours you will get output. This type of Compost Machine works on electricity for heating, mixing and ventilation purpose. 

heating mixing and ventilation are main principle in composting. heating mixing and ventilation can be done with this Compost Machine consumes  electricity and make compost within 24 hours.

how does Electrical Compost Machine work?

This Type of Compost Machine is in electrical shape which consist of Electrical motor, blower and heater,
The tank & blade is made up of stainless steel and the outer body is made up of MS ( mild steel). heater, blower and motor runs on Electricity controlled by timer or PLC programming. The heater and motor and blower are not ON for 24 hours. it is On and off as per the timer setting . heater is mounted on stainless steel tank at bottom side when SS get heated and reached by 70 to 80 degrees it automatically off heaters,
A motor is used in a machine for mixing with the shaft and blades and it rotates 360 degrees. Blower is directly connected to drainage where extra water can be grounded via vapours.

Solar compost Machine

What are advantages of this machine:

1.This Type of Compost Machine is automatic, you just put your waste in and forget for the next 24 hours.
2.When you have to dispose of waste into the machine, it completely disposes of waste and reduces the volume of waste up to 80 to 90%.
3.Compost Machine is compact , it requires less space to install.
4.There is no need for a shredder machine or shredder installed on top. easily remove compost from the front side automatically.

cropped Coco peat blog Guidebest Compost Techniques.

What is Composting & how to start Composting – Guidebest Compost.

before Composting , there are two things you need to know to properly dispose of wet waste, recycle and Reuse of organic waste provides more benefits to environment like improving soil heath, recycling nutrients, mitigating the impact of droughts. Dispose of waste can be done by decomposition techniques, there are two methods of decomposition. 1.Aerobic. 2. anaerobic.

to read in details about composting-

What are dis-advantages of this machine:

1.You can not use this Compost Machine under maintenance, you need to solve problems first and then you use machine till you have to manage daily waste.
2.This type of Compost Machine is costly, due to using all metal or stainless steel, and it is not affordable. it consumes high electricity, and also not make compost in natural way,
3. No carbon source is used in this machine, only first time culture is provided during installation. For the first 30 to 40 days we will get good compost, after that we get burnt compost.
4.Machine maintenance is high, due to the high maintenance expense of machines will be increases.

2.Semi automatic Compost Machine mixing and curring for 20 days.

This type of Compost Machine is also good at working and takes time for composting but makes quality compost but has some disadvantages as compared to others. before telling something advantageous and disadvantageous , see the entire process of this machine. 


This Compost  Machine is in three steps , after segregation you have to put waste into a mixer machine for half an hour for mixing and then waste can be transferred to the curing section and cured for 12 to 15 days. some carbon  source added into waste during mixing. 

waste 1 Guidebest Compost Techniques.

Advantageous of this machine:

Machine makes compost in a natural way, getting good quality compost after processing for 15 to 20 days.
Machine maintenance is less & no more electricity used.

Disadvantageous of this machine :

After mixing, waste particles are kept in the curing section for 15 days at that time smelling occurs.
here it has to use more sawdust to do composting. 

Solar Compost Machine:

 It is new innovative Compost Machine that used for composting and make a compost in natural way, its steps are   simple and effective, this machine is easy to operate, The Compost Machine is semi automatic, after segregation you can shred waste into shredder and use this machine for composting, composting can be done with natural way with heating mixing ventilation concept, pillow block technology i.e. bearing rolls  provided in this machine to rotate HDPE tank or crank handle to mix waste well,

Solar Compost Machine

how does machine work?

This Type of Compost Machine is made up of iron, Aluminium sheet and HDPE materials. it will take around 10 days to make compost, there are two patrician or two separate tank is provided in this machine, you can easily put your waste into tank till it get full, machine is manufacturing according to capacity or daily waste generated, if suppose your daily waste generated around 50kg, then whole capacity of machine will be 400kg whereas each partition will be 200kg, you just put into first partition or tank, it may take 4 to 5 days to fill first part, after filling first one, you use second part to fill waste till first part will give you pre compost, you can transfer into curing section to cure waste waste or degrade temperature to get final compost. final compost you can use for your garden or plantation.

below one image of Solar Compost Machine with capacity 10kg daily generated waste, total capacity of machine will be 100kg, and has partition of 50kg each, also cranking handle is provided to mix waste, on top shredder is provided to crush waste into small particles to speed the waste process.


solar Compost Machine

Advantageos of this machine:

1. This Compost Machine makes compost by natural way, giving quality compost.
2.No Electricity is required, the machine operates on Solar and manually.
3.The machine is cheaper, saves initial cost of investment.
4.Due to continuous aeration, the machine doesnt smell bad.
5.The machine has very low maintenance, also you can operate this machine under maintenance till the current problem get solved.

Disadvantageos of this machine

1.The machine takes more space as compared to any ordinary machine.
2.This process takes more time to make compost.
3.process is manual, you have to work daily here to crush waste, mix waste,

so this is differance between Electrical compost machines solar compost machines, also there are so many techniques available in market like solar compost tumbler, compost tumbler, bed composter etc. comments which technology do you like and which techniques you are using currently. also if you want more information about composting or details about solar compost machine you can visit

Low Cost Manual Waste Shredder | Guidebest Compost

manual Guidebest Compost Techniques.

Low Cost Manual Waste Shredder | Waste shredder manual

Manual waste shredder

It is Manual waste shredder which shred all kind of organic waste to compost in small particles, composting shredder shred waste and speed composting process, Manual Waste shredder is one type of grinding or chopping machine which cuts waste material into small particle and reduce volume of waste, it help to grow bacterial action during composting. due to manual shredder waste decomposes quick and it help to make compost in less period. When you following a composting Procedure , after segregation of wet waste , you follow second step of shredding waste. Some times cutting or chopping of wet waste manually is big and very difficult job, so we finding a low cost solution which cuts or shred wet waste with efficiently with automatic or Manual.

Waste can  divided in two types, waste inorganic waste.

Organic waste is all type of wet waste that can we make a compost while 

inorganic Waste you can not compost, it have some market value that you can shred into different double shaft shredder or chopper Shredder.

Read here: What is Waste Shredder &  types of waste Shredder   

First step to convert your organic waste into compost is shred all waste into small particles to speed composting.

How Does it Work?

Manual waste Shredder is shredding of all organic Waste Manually by rotating cranck Handel or chopping of Waste Manually. when you put or insert your waste on top hoper into shredder you just rotate handle provided and you will get small or cutting particles or Shredded waste at output side, you can collect this waste and use it for next steps for Composting.

Also Read:
What is Composting? How to Start Compost? 

What are features of Manual Waste Shredder?

1. Manual Shredder is made up of stainless steel material its body 

2. Cutting blade is made up of SS304 grade stainless steel.

3. blade is sharpen and welded with  TIG welding

4. all parts are highly compact, and with good Quality.

Why this Shredder is Better?

1. Shredder is Made up of SS202 & SS304, which is highly compact, and maintenance free.
2. Easy to handle with manual rotating Cranking Handel, anyone can easily rotate this handle and can use this shredder.
3. It is low cost machine which you cuts your all types of organic waste instead manual cutting.

Working of Manual Waste Shredder:

Everyone know that Shredder is very important part in composting, without Waste Shredder it is a very difficult job to make compost within less time, you need proper shredded waste for fast composting Process.

This Shredder is Easy to operate , Handel Provided is use to rotate to make small particle of waste which is useful to make compost in easy way.

For better understanding you can see videos of Manual Shredder.

The main function of shredder is to cut waste into small particles, that small particles are easily processed with any processing or natural composting machine that create compost, due to shredder no more time taken to make compost, because natural decomposition occurs to small particle.
you can use this shredder to your kitchen, garden, home etc. 
due to manual process into shredder, shredder will not required any Electricity. you can shredd waste into this shredder with no limit, but on an average minimum 20-30kg daily waste you can shredd into the shredder.
you can add any type organic waste into shredder, if hard material found into shredder then you can rotate it reversly and take out this material out to increase life of shredder.

Can we shred chicken bones? 

Can we shred branches of leave etc?

most common question about this shredder asked to many people,  This manual shreder is made up of Stainless steel, blade is sharpen and have good quality parts to cut your waste but big bones can not cut into this shredder, this shredder is for food waste and garden waste, you can shred dry leaves or wet leaves but if  big branches of tree can not cut into this shredder.
you can shred any type of organic waste like fruits, meal leftover, kitchen waste onion, tomato, potato etc.

also Read:  What can not compoost?

How to Install manual Waste Shredder?

When you Order this shredder online , you will get parcel with disassemble  parts assemble it as per video instruction and you can use this shredder you can see following video indicates assemble of Manual Shredder.

So this shredder quality is best but you should care about this shredder to not use for commercial purpose. 
Company Klimrus Solution is manufacturing this Shredder and supply this shredder anywhere in India, for more details you can visit klimrus.

you can contact us to know more detail about this machine.

Sustainability & Innovation: All-inclusive Solar Composting Set by Klimrus!

Klimrus Solar Composting Machine Innovation & Sustainability

A Sustainable Solution on Organic Waste Management Methods

So… Trash! Not exactly dinner table talk, right? But, let’s face it – it’s 2024, & waste isn’t a problem anymore! But, an opportunity for us to live in a world where, “Sustainability” – isn’t just a big word!

Wanna know more about what waste management is? & how it’s getting a tech upgrade??

Let’s roll up our sleeves, put on some gloves & start digging – it’s time to get our hands dirty in the Waste Game…. Because this trash isn’t going to manage itself!

Now, we all know our world is upgrading at a light speed! And with growing cities, industries, & infrastructure; Man is creating trash at an alarming rate and to be honest, it ain’t pretty…

And now, due to continuously overflowing landfills, people are getting sick left and right… That’s not it – it is also greatly affecting all the nature by causing depletion of resources & endangering the earth’s ecosystem in the process!

Now you might be wondering, “What it has anything to do with me?” The thing is you are a small but inseparable part of the picture which is forming around and by having an awareness about the envirnoment might just increase your chances of living a Sustainable Future!

Let’s start with the basics… What exactly is Waste Management?

What is Waste Management?

To put is simply… I’d say, “Collecting, sorting, processing and disposing of trash!” There are many things involving the concept of waste management, but … I’m gonna keep it simple so that everyone could wrap their heads around it, and like talk about – Composting!

I mean… compared to Incineration, Composting is way more commonly known term! Speaking of which, if you want to get rid of the organic waste produced in your households daily then, Composting is for you!

Because you can easily convert this waste generated at home into a nutrient-rich compost which improves soil quality of that one potted rose plant hanging on your balcony or your mini vegetable garden in the backyard! And it also promotes sustainable agriculture methods… What more you can ask for? huh…?

To be honest, there are a bunch of techniques for composting too! One of which is recommended by the people at Klimrus Sustainable Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is their “Solar Composting Machine Set” which is an all-in-one solution to your problems… It is one of the most innovative ways to hasten the composting process… And it is totally eco-friendly as it runs on solar power and no electricity is consumed!

Now… I know what you are wondering… “OUT WITH IT!” Tell us everything you know about it, right?!

But let’s not rush it… I’m gonna share all the infomation that you need to know one-by-one whether its about waste management as a concept, organic waste management by converting it into compost, and/or about the Klimrus Solar Composting Set; that not only solves all your problems but, is also totally eco-friendly as it works on solar power!

As I mentioned before, Waste Management is bascially collecting, sorting, processing and disposing of trash… So, now that you know the basics let’s dive a little deeper…

We can start by mininmizing the trash and instead of processing waste find new ways to reuse it (the things that could be reused). By converting trash into fresh goods by recycle the dry waste. We can also, convert garbage into energy by burning it to generate power or we could just convert it into compost as a totally eco-friendly means of disposing wet & organic waste…

Now, to dive in a little further, let’s see how waste management & composting are related to each other at a root level! Shall we?

So…. for all the organic waste generate at home such as, leftover food, expired food, dairy products, yard trash, etc. can be easily tranformed into a nutrient-rich compost as microorganisms present in this waste helps it to decompose and break-down the garbage which after complete decomposition converts into compost!

Here are a few composting methods which I am too lazy to explain so instead I’m showing you image which is way easier to understand… why? Beacuse, A picture speaks a thousand words & I’m hoping this one too!

Composting Methods

And in case you wish to know more about these methods… Click Here!

That’s not it, the compost generated by this waste can be served as a valuable commodity which enhances the soil, prevents erosions & promotes in sustainable agriculture; it also keeps organic waste out of landfills, assisting in the reduction of dangerous gasses like methane!

Just like a coin has 2 sides even waste management has it’s fair share of advantages & Disadvantages… But, since I’ve already mentioned that i’m feeling lazy I’m gonna brush over through the image given below… Don’t worry, it’ll briefy give you the idea about the good & bad sides of Waste Management without boring you in the process! And if you still wish to know more about it, Click Here!

Advantages & Disadvantages

Now, I’ll just jump straight into the world created by the people at Klimrus Sustainable Solution! Let’s see, what cutting-edge technologies they have in store for us which would help us create compost using solar-powered composting techiques!

As I mentioned before, Klimrus Sustainable Solution Pvt. Ltd has discover a eco-friendly approch towards composting by using Solar-powered Composting Machine set which makes it perfect product for building/Housing Societies, vast gardens, farms, town, & institutions who are searching for environment friendly ways to manage their trash!

Okay… We’ll go ahead step-by-step starting with what are these machines?, what’s the process that take place in each machines?, and what are the things that you need to do? and advantages of using these machines?

Let’s start with the First one question – What are these Machines?

There are three main parts of this system consisting of a shreddeing machine, a solar composting & cooling carts.

Now … I know it sounds really boring because it is… But I’ll still try to keep it simple so that at least it’ll finish faster… right?!

So.. the first up is “The Shredder Machine” This machine primary work is to break down the organic material into smaller pieces. Some benefits of this machine are:
  • Speeding up the composting process by breaking things down into smaller particles.
  • Prevents the trash from rotting as a big pile cause that’s hard to handle.
  • Ensure that the consistency of breaking down of materials..

Shredder Machine

If want to know more what are the organic materials and how it works you can check our blog Manual Shredder though it’s a different model but the function is same! Click Here!

Next up is ” The Solar Composting Machine” This machine is called the heart of the process by the people at Klimrus, not me! Anyways… the main objective of this machine is to create & maintain an ideal environment for microorganisms to break down the trash into small pieces. As you can guess, this machine does a lot stuff and it can be hard to understand if start explaining it but, to put it simply the process of decomposition take place inside this machine using it’s various feature which I’ll explain in easiest way possible …
Here’s what goes around in this machine:

Solar Composting Machine

First of all, to enhance the process of decaying of the waste we put inside after shreddeing it into smaller particles, we need to maintain the temperature between 55°C – 65°C… which sounds like a pain but, don’t worry the machine does that for us! So… we could brew tea in the mean time! Haha… I mean jokes apart… Due the solar panels, the machine keeps genrating the required amount of heat without us losing any sweat!

And now you might be wondering why we have to maintain temperature and stuff? I won’t bore with the details but, to put it simply it speed up the microbial activity (decaying) of the waste!

Now… moving on to the next thing that happens inside of the machine, I know you’ll be like if we just have to put the trash in the machine and wait why do we even need to know what’s going inside it, right?!

to be honest… I get your point but knowing a few things won’t hurt anyone and I’m telling you this because I’m an employee and can’t argue with my boss … so, for the sake of all of us.. I try to keep it simple enough for you to grasp & hopefully I’ll get by saying I wrote a blog as you wanted me to, & be done with it!!!

And What were we talking about? Ohh yeah… the next part of the process… so, after the machine maintains it proper temperature, a built -in aeration devices keeps the pile of waste inside it oxygenated… It means aiming already existing oxygen in the air to the pile of waste inside the containers with the help of these blower fans, so that it would continues to speed the decomposition process at a faster speed & avoid producing any foul smells… !

The last thing that goes on inside this same machine is Moisture control! Basically, this machine is designed also, maintain right moisture levels for the little germs to do there thing! So that, any unneccessary excess mositure is absorbed & it won’t get too dry either.. just a right amount of moisture needed for decoposition!

Now the thrid product included in this Solar composting system are Cooling Crates! After everything is done… I mean the process inside that solar composting machine, we just need to transfer this hot compost into these carts provided in the set… Now, just let it cool for a day or two and you are ready to use the natural nutrient-rich compost for gardens or yards or even agriculture; choose your pick!

Cooling Crates


If there are still any answered questions I’ll lay it down the things that you have to do while handling these machines and what’s your role in this whole process…. right?
  • Step 1

You need to collect all the organic/wet waste which usually means things like kitchen scraps,dairy products, uncooked food, fruit & vegetable peels, meat or fish remains & small bones, expired food items, dry leaves, small branches, etc! I hope you got the gist of it, right?

  • Step 2

Put everything you’ve gathered inside the shredder machine, this is an automatic shredder machine so, you just need to put stuff in, click the buttons and wait for it to shred the waste into smaller particles and later collect it from the outlet at the bottom.

  • Step 3

Now, put the shredded wet waste into the Solar composting machine containers… At this point you need to do one more thing; you have to put sawdust provided with the Solar Composting Machine Set! I know… more questions coming at my way… so, I’ll answer them before you ask me!

Sawdust is a bulking agent that after adding to the mixture helps to absorbs any exccess moisture generated due to heating & it also balances carbon-to-nitrogen ratio which extermely important for composting! Also, one important thing before I forget… You have to keep adding waste daily for 10-12 days and behind each batch of waste you add, from day 1 to day 10th/12th, you should add 10% sawdust of the total amount of waste to added each time; (e.g.  1 Kg Waste = 10% of 1Kg, which is 100 g – Sawdust!) I know maths of it could be tricky but so I did it for you in the chart given below!

  • Step 4

Now, you just sit back & relax as the solar composting machine takes over th charge of converting the waste into compost! And since I alreading explained it eariler what exactly it does… I won’t rumble about the same stuff over & over again!

  • Step 5

Okay so, you have to follow the step 3 of putting daily waste in the solar composting machine for 10-12 days with the right amonut of sawdust that I’ve mentioned!

  • Step 6:

After the composting process is complete, just transfer the hot compost into the cooling crates and wait for a day or two; then they are ready to use!

  • Step 7:

Use it as you please whether it’s for personal or commercial use, it is totally dependent on your choice! I can’t write any more steps… cause there aren’t anymore left… !!! Thankfully!!!

(Note: Don’t put plastic or any non-degradable things in it, make sure that you only put organic waste in the shredder & the solar composting machine!!!)

So… Now in conclusion I have nothing to say because the this Solar composting machine set speaks for itself! and to be honest I’ve been writing this particular blog for like a week now! Yeah I too tired and frankly a little frustrated cause I couldn’t think of any other way to explain about this solar composting system anymore! I’ve added links that would clear any remainig that you may have about this composting system. and for more details you could visit out YouTube Channel: Click Here!

Written & Edited by ~ 

Ms. Prathama Dhainje

World’s No. 1 Manual Shredder by Klimrus

World's No 1 Shredder by Klimrus

From Shredding to Composting – A Path towards Sustainable Living

We live in a world where everyone’s busy chasing the next big thing – A Sustainable Future and Waste Management Methods… But, have you ever wondered why we do it? Or what good it’ll do us, after we figure out the best ways to manage organic waste and whether or not it’ll lead us toward a sustainable future…?

Well… just like people say, “Where there’s a will there’s a way!“, similarly, the Klimrus Manual Shredder is your way toward a Sustainable future… So, let’s dive right into it!

Klimrus Manual Shedder

The Klimrus Manual Shredder as the name suggests is a Manual shredder essential for any environmentally aware household, small farm & community garden to achieve their goals towards a sustainable future… But, does it mean it’s made only for eco-friendly users? No, anyone who wants to update their daily waste management system can benefit from this product!

How, you ask? Here’s, how… The Klimrus Manual Shredder is designed to process all the daily organic & wet waste into smaller shredded particles that take less time to decompose than in their original size, which maximizes the speed of decomposition by minimizing the time.

Wait, wait, wait… Now there’s another question that comes to mind!

What are these organic waste we are talking about? Which of them can be easily shredded?  
So…. to answer that, the table below gives us details of what are these organic waste and which other wet waste materials that can be shredded:

Organic Waste

Wet Waste

Fruits & Vegetable peels Food scraps

(leftover cooked food, vegetables, fruits)

Eggshells Used Tea bags & Coffee grounds
Coffee grounds Expired food items
Leftover food scarps Meat & Fish scraps (no bones)
Tea bags Dairy products
Garden Waste

(Leaves, grass, small twigs, etc.)

Rotten or Spoiled food
Sawdust & Dry leaves Vegetable & Fruit pulp

(from juicing)


Now that we know what can be shredded in the Klimrus Manual Shredder the next question will be about; what exactly is this product, Right?

Here are some key points that’ll give you a simple understanding of what it is made of & key features of the shredder!

The Klimrus Manual Shredder:
  • works solely on manpower
  • no electricity or fuel is required
  • made of stainless steel & easy to handle model
  • it’s a portable-sized shredding machine
  • high quality & rust-free which makes it durable
  • Corrosion-resistant steel blades that can handle small twigs.

Worlds No. 1 Manual Shredder 3 Guidebest Compost Techniques.

The above-mentioned key features of the Klimrus Manual Shredder offer many advantages in our day-to-day life. Since it functions manually, no fuel or electricity is used, making it an eco-friendly product in terms of Sustainability.

The Klimrus Manual Shredder is also cost-effective, because of its affordable prices. Its lightweight & compact design makes it a portable option compared to other shredding machines.

Say, you wish to go camping in nature and you’re worried about the wet waste produced during this trip!

Camping Site

Since you can wrap up all your dry-plastic waste and throw it in the trash/recycle bins or you could just take it back home. After all, they won’t spoil! But, food and other wet waste generated could be a challenge to deal with… So, by using the Klimrus Manual Shredder, you can easily shred all this material into smaller pieces which after adding to the soil will eventually decompose and become a natural compost for the plants.

And Why? Because, when the wet waste is broken down into smaller particles the speed of decomposition is increased exponentially, as the nutrients are recycled more rapidly. Hence, the process results in creating a Natural & Organic Compost!

Even now, some of you might still have lingering questions about how to operate it. Worry not, it’s really simple if you ask me!

  1. Collect all the organic & wet waste products (remove large stones or trash like plastic that can’t be decomposed!)
  2. Put everything you gathered to fill the feed duct of the shredder with garbage (organic & wet waste)
  3. Hold the handle on the wheel to rotate it (keep on rotating until all the waste is shredded into smaller pieces)
  4. The shredded piece of trash will come out of the chute at the bottom
  5. Now collect the shredded waste & mix it in the soil, it’ll serve as natural compost for the plants.
  6. That’s it! No further steps…


Now, it’s clear, that the Klimrus Manual Shredder is a product that can help you with –


Composting: Since it quickly breaks down, all organic & wet waste materials. Small-scale farmers would go crazy over its portable size and easy-to-use features!

Mulching: The shredded material can be applied to mulch, which prevents weed growth, lowers erosion & improves soil’s moisture retention. If you wanna know more about it, click here

Waste Reduction: Waste becomes more manageable due to a reduction in the trash volume, lessens the loads on landfills & encourages an eco-friendly garbage disposal system.

Reduced Carbon Footprint: As it works solely on manpower, it doesn’t require gasoline or electricity which is environmentally favorable toward cutting carbon emissions.

Value for Money: Affordable prices, no continuous operating expenses, & it is a long-term financially sound option.


Before you start thinking that it’s magic, I’d like to take a moment & explain how to maintain it (Klimrus Manual Shredder) so that you can use it as much as you wish, as many times as you want & for as long time as possible!
  • After each usage, do not forget to clean the shredder of any leftover organic materials to avoid blockages in future use & to preserve its efficiency.
  • Oiling at the edge of the wheel for smooth working every 2-3 months.
  • It comes with a 6-month warranty. If used & maintained properly can prove to be a durable product.


Overall it’s essential equipment if put into practice for Sustainable Waste Management Techniques. The Klimrus Manual Shredder facilitates organic composting and ensures waste reduction making it an optimal solution! So… Basically, the product speaks for itself! A high-quality product that answers all the questions we had at the beginning…

Worlds No. 1 Manual Shredder 5 Guidebest Compost Techniques.

And now you know, why the Klimrus Manual Shredder is a useful and environmentally responsible way to manage organic & wet waste effectively… If you wanna know more about Klimrus & Other products associated with it (like – Solar Home Composting Machines, Solar Composting Sets, etc.), which are responsible for providing a sustainable solution, Click here!

Written & Edited by ~ 

Ms. Prathama Dhainje

Degradable vs. Non-Degradable Waste: 5 Key Impacts on the Environment and the Power of Composting

Degradable Vs. Non-degradable

Exploring the Environmental Impact of Waste and How Composting Can Drive a Sustainable Future

It is essential to comprehend the difference between degradable and non-degradable materials in the pursuit of a sustainable future. These substances have a big impact on the state of our ecosystem, having an impact on everything from pollution levels to soil fertility. Composting is a crucial activity that can reduce waste’s negative impacts while fostering ecological balance as we confront the problems of climate change and environmental degradation. The nature of biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials, their effects on the environment, and how composting can hold the key to building a sustainable future are all covered in the content of this blog.

Understanding Degradable Substances

Degradable substances are materials that degrade naturally over time due to biological activities. These include organic stuff such as food waste, leaves, paper, and certain bio-plastics. Microorganisms, moisture, and heat all help to decompose these molecules, converting them into simpler compounds that can be reabsorbed into the ecosystem.

When a banana peel is abandoned, microbes like bacteria and fungi begin to degrade it into water, carbon dioxide, and nutrient-rich organic matter known as humus. This humus nourishes the soil and encourages healthy plant development. The entire process might take from a few weeks to many months, depending on environmental factors such as temperature and humidity.

Degradable Subsatances

Examples of Degradable Substances:

The decomposition of degradable substances is a natural part of the earth’s nutrient cycle, ensuring that organic matter is constantly recycled back into the environment. However, the rate at which these materials decompose can vary, influencing their environmental impact.

Non-Degradable Substances: A Growing Concern

Non-degradable compounds, on the other hand, are materials that do not degrade easily or at all in their natural environment. These include polymers, metals, glass, and certain synthetic compounds. Non-biodegradable substances, as opposed to biodegradable materials, can remain in the environment for hundreds or even thousands of years, accumulating in landfills, oceans, and other ecosystems.

The persistence of non-degradable chemicals presents considerable environmental challenges. For example, plastic bags, which are widely used around the world, can take up to 1,000 years to degrade. During this period, they degrade into tiny particles known as micro-plastics, which can enter soil, water, and the atmosphere, causing extensive pollution.

Non-degradable Substances

Examples of Non-Degradable Substances:

The accumulation of non-degradable substances in the environment leads to numerous issues, including habitat destruction, pollution of water bodies, and harm to wildlife. Moreover, these materials often end up in landfills, where they contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental hazards.

Degradable Vs. Non-Degradable Substances

When comparing degradable and non-degradable substances, several key differences emerge, particularly in terms of environmental impact:

  1. Decomposition Rate: Degradable substances degrade relatively fast, typically within weeks or months, whereas non-biodegradable substances might last for decades.
  2. Environmental Impact: Degradable substances contribute to the nutrient cycle, enriching the soil and encouraging plant development. However, non-biodegradable compounds can cause long-term environmental damage, such as pollution and habitat destruction.
  3. Recyclability: Many biodegradable materials can be composted, returning vital nutrients to the planet. Non-biodegradable substances, while recyclable, frequently necessitate specific methods and can still contribute to pollution if not managed effectively.
  4. Resource Use: The manufacture of non-biodegradable compounds frequently entails the extraction and use of finite resources such as oil and metals, which contributes to environmental damage. Degradable compounds, particularly those generated from organic sources, tend to have a smaller environmental impact.

Understanding these differences is essential for making informed decisions about waste management and environmental conservation.

The Environmental Impact of Non-Degradable Substances

The proliferation of non-degradable substances has led to severe environmental consequences. As these materials accumulate in the environment, they disrupt ecosystems and contribute to pollution on a global scale. The following are some of the most significant impacts of non-degradable substances:

Impacts on Non-degradable Substances

  • Soil Pollution:

Non-degradable garbage, such as plastic bags and containers, can leach hazardous chemicals into the soil, polluting and lowering fertility. This pollution has the potential to alter plant development and soil ecosystem equilibrium.

  • Water Pollution:

Non-degradable materials frequently make their way into rivers, lakes, and seas, where they inflict enormous damage. For example, the plastic waste in the oceans degrades into micro plastics, which are consumed by marine species, resulting in health problems and even death. This pollution also has an impact on human health, since micro plastics have been identified in seafood, drinking water, and even the air we breathe.

  • Wildlife Harm:

Animals commonly confuse non-degradable garbage for food and become entangled in it. For example, marine species such as turtles, birds, and fish commonly consume plastic garbage, resulting in internal damage, malnutrition, and death. The accumulation of plastic garbage in the environment also endangers the survival of many animals by altering ecosystems and decreasing biodiversity.

  • Landfill Overload:

Landfills are full of non-biodegradable rubbish, which takes up valuable space and contributes to environmental degradation. As landfills approach capacity, they emit methane, a strong greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change.

  • Climate Change:

The manufacture and disposal of non-degradable materials, particularly plastics, contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. The exploitation of fossil fuels for plastic production, combined with the incineration of plastic trash, emits CO2 and other pollutants into the atmosphere, worsening global warming.

Composting: A Sustainable Solution

Dealing with these issues, composting emerges as an effective waste management and environmental sustainability technique. Composting is the natural process of converting organic matter, such as food scraps and yard trash, into a beneficial fertilizer that can improve soil quality and encourage healthy plant development. This procedure not only minimizes waste sent to landfills, but it also lessens the environmental impact of waste disposal.

Benefits of Composting

Benefits of Composting:

  1. Reduces Landfill Waste: By diverting organic waste from landfills, composting helps reduce the burden on these facilities, minimizing the release of harmful greenhouse gases like methane.
  2. Enriches Soil: Compost adds essential nutrients to the soil, improving its structure and fertility. This enriched soil supports healthy plant growth, leading to higher crop yields and more resilient ecosystems.
  3. Reduces Pollution: Composting reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, which can leach into waterways and cause pollution. By using compost, we can decrease our reliance on these harmful substances, promoting cleaner water and healthier ecosystems.
  4. Combats Climate Change: Composting sequesters carbon in the soil, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This process helps combat climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting carbon storage in the soil.
  5. Promotes Sustainable Agriculture: Composting supports sustainable farming practices by providing a natural, renewable source of fertilizer. This approach reduces the need for synthetic inputs, promoting a healthier and more resilient agricultural system.

The Future of Composting

As we move toward a more sustainable future, composting will play an increasingly important role in waste management and environmental conservation. Governments, businesses, and individuals are recognizing the value of composting and are implementing programs and initiatives to promote this practice.

The Future of Composting

Key Trends in Composting:

  1. Community Composting Programs: Many cities and municipalities are launching community composting programs to help residents recycle their organic waste. These programs are frequently complemented by teaching activities that inform people about the benefits of composting and how to do it properly.
  2. Commercial Composting: Businesses are also getting into composting, with numerous companies providing composting services for food waste and other organic products. This trend is especially evident in the food industry, as restaurants and grocery stores are seeking for ways to lessen their environmental footprint.
  3. Home Composting: Composting at home is becoming increasingly popular, with people utilizing basic tools and procedures to recycle kitchen scraps and yard trash. Composting at home not only eliminates waste, but it also serves as a vital fertilizer for plants and lawns.
  4. Innovative Technologies: Composting technology advancements make composting a variety of materials easier and more efficient. Solar compost machines and automated composting systems, for example, are helping to speed up the process and increase the amount of garbage that may be composted.
  5. Policy Support: Governments are increasingly recognizing the benefits of composting and establishing legislation to encourage it. Some localities, for example, have enacted mandatory composting regulations, requiring households and companies to separate organic waste for composting.

Conclusion: Composting as the Future of Sustainability

7 Guidebest Compost Techniques.

The challenges that are offered by non-biodegradable chemicals are serious, but not insurmountable. By embracing composting and other sustainable practices, we may reduce waste’s environmental impact, encourage healthy ecosystems, and work toward a more sustainable future. Composting is more than simply a waste management technique; it is an effective instrument for restoring the earth’s natural balance and building a better, more resilient planet.

As more people, businesses, and governments discover the benefits of composting, it will become an increasingly important part of our environmental efforts. We can all benefit from a more sustainable and wealthy future if we convert garbage into valuable resources.

Understanding Top 4 Traditional Composting Methods: A Complete Guide

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“The Art and Science of Traditional Composting:  Rules Passed Down Through Generations”

For generations, composting has been a key component of sustainable waste management. Traditional composting methods are an efficient approach to recycle organic waste, limit landfill use, and produce nutrient-rich compost for gardening and agriculture. This blog goes into the fundamentals of traditional composting, covering organic matter breakdown, aerobic composting, compost pile management, microbial activity, and composting bins.

The Basics of Traditional Composting

Traditional composting processes are based on simple, time-tested principles. They use natural mechanisms to convert organic debris into compost, which is an important resource for enriching soil and promoting plant growth.

Basics of Composting

Organic Matter Decomposition

Composting is based on the decomposition of organic matter. It entails breaking down organic waste, such as food scraps, yard trash, and paper goods, into simpler forms using natural methods. This decomposition is mostly driven by microbial species, including bacteria, fungi, and worms, which break down complex organic components to humus.

How Decomposition Works

Decomposition begins with the addition of organic materials to a compost pile or bin. As these materials degrade, they engage in a sequence of biological events. Microbes devour organic matter, breaking it down into simpler molecules like carbon dioxide, water, and nutrient-dense compost. Moisture, temperature, and aeration are all factors that influence this process and can be controlled to increase composting efficiency.

Factors Affecting Decomposition

Several factors affect the rate of decomposition, including:

  • Type of Organic Material: Green materials (high in nitrogen) and brown materials (high in carbon) should be balanced for optimal composting.
  • Moisture Levels: Compost piles need to be kept moist, but not too wet, to support microbial activity.
  • Temperature: Decomposition is faster in warmer conditions. Maintaining an optimal temperature range accelerates the process.
  • Aeration: Regular turning of the compost pile ensures sufficient oxygen supply, which is crucial for aerobic decomposition.

Read more: Different type of Traditional Composting Techniques

Aerobic Composting

Aerobic composting is a conventional process that uses oxygen to degrade organic materials. This process generates heat, which speeds up decomposition and kills microorganisms.

How Aerobic Composting Works

Aerobic composting uses oxygen-dependent microorganisms (aerobes) to break down organic waste. As they digest the material, they generate heat, carbon dioxide, and water. The heat created can boost the temperature of the compost pile, accelerating the decomposition of organic materials and creating an ideal environment for more microbial activity.

Benefits of Aerobic Composting

  • Faster Decomposition: The presence of oxygen accelerates the breakdown of organic matter compared to anaerobic (oxygen-free) composting.
  • Reduced Odor: Aerobic composting produces fewer unpleasant odors, as the decomposition process is cleaner and more efficient.
  • Higher Quality Compost: The heat generated during aerobic composting helps kill pathogens and weed seeds, resulting in a healthier final product.

Maintaining Aerobic Conditions

Turning the compost pile on a regular basis is vital for maintaining aerobic conditions and introducing oxygen. This can be accomplished using a pitchfork, a compost turner, or by hand mixing the pile. Proper aeration helps prevent the compost pile from becoming anaerobic, which can result in bad odors and sluggish decomposition.

Compost Pile Management

Traditional composting performance depends on effective compost pile maintenance. Proper management entails managing the physical and environmental variables that influence the composting process.

Building and Maintaining a Compost Pile

Building a compost pile involves layering organic materials to create a balanced mixture of green and brown materials. The pile should be constructed with a combination of:

  • Green Materials: High in nitrogen, such as fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, and grass clippings.
  • Brown Materials: High in carbon, such as dry leaves, straw, and cardboard.

Size and Shape

The size and shape of a compost pile might affect its efficiency. A tiny pile may not maintain enough heat, whereas a large pile can be difficult to handle. An ideal compost pile measures 3 to 5 feet in diameter and height. This size enables effective heat retention and aeration.

Monitoring and Turning

Consistently checking the temperature, moisture content, and decomposition rate are all part of maintaining the compost pile. Occasionally rotating the heap promotes even breakdown and helps to oxygenate the compost. In order to keep the temperature within the ideal range for microbial activity, it can be helpful to use a compost thermometer.

Microbial Activity

The foundation of composting is microbial activity. Compost is created by the breakdown and conversion of organic matter by microorganisms. Composting efficiency can be increased by being aware of these bacteria and their functions.

Types of Microbes

Several types of microbes are involved in composting, including:

  • Bacteria: The primary decomposers, bacteria break down organic materials into simpler compounds. They are most active during the initial stages of composting.
  • Fungi: Fungi decompose tougher materials, such as woody stems and paper. They play a vital role in breaking down complex organic compounds.
  • Actinomycetes: These bacteria-like organisms help decompose more resistant materials and contribute to the development of compost texture and quality.

Optimizing Microbial Activity

Maintaining the ideal carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, enough aeration, and regulated moisture levels are critical for microbial activity. It is also possible to supply the nutrients required for the growth of varied microbial communities by including a range of organic materials.

Composting Challenges

Disruption of microbial activity can lead to problems including smells, pests, or sluggish breakdown. Aerating the compost pile properly, controlling the kinds of materials put to it, and changing moisture levels are common options.

Composting Bins

Composting bins are a popular tool for managing traditional composting. They offer a contained environment for composting, making it easier to maintain and manage the composting process.

Types of Composting Bins

There are several types of composting bins available, each with its advantages:

  • Open Bins: Simple and cost-effective, open bins are usually made of wood or wire. They provide good airflow but may require additional management to contain materials and manage pests.
  • Closed Bins: These bins are enclosed to contain composting materials and minimize odors. They often have a lid and a secure base to prevent pests.
  • Tumbling Bins: Tumbling bins are designed to be rotated easily, making it convenient to turn the compost and maintain aeration. They are often enclosed and help speed up the composting process.

Choosing the Right Bin

contain materials securely, and allow for easy turning and monitoring.

Take into account aspects like simplicity of usage, volume of composting material, and space availability while selecting a composting bin. Good aeration, tight material containment, and ease of turning and monitoring are all essential components of a successful compost bin. 

Benefits of Traditional Composting Methods

Traditional composting methods offer numerous benefits, both for individuals and the environment.

Benefits of composting

1. Waste Reduction

Our trash volume that is dumped in landfills is decreased by composting organic waste. By doing this, methane emissions—a strong greenhouse gas released by the decomposition of organic matter in landfills—are reduced, which helps to relieve landfill pressure.

2. Soil Enrichment

promotes beneficial microbial activity in the soil, supporting overall plant health.

Traditional techniques of producing compost yield a rich source of organic matter and nutrients. It strengthens the structure of the soil, increases water retention, and promotes plant growth. Additionally, compost encourages healthy microbial activity in the soil, which supports the general health of plants.

3. Cost Savings

Farmers and gardeners can save money by using less chemical fertilizers and soil additions thanks to composting. Additionally, by lowering the amount of garbage that needs to be managed, employing compost can reduce the cost of waste disposal.

4. Environmental Benefits

Traditional composting techniques lessen the need for artificial fertilizers by reusing organic waste, which promotes environmental sustainability. Composting enhances soil carbon sequestration and lowers greenhouse gas emissions, both of which contribute to the mitigation of climate change.

Impacts of Traditional Composting

The impacts of traditional composting extend beyond immediate waste management benefits. They influence various aspects of environmental and community health.

Impacts of Composting

1. Community Engagement

Traditional composting fosters community engagement by encouraging individuals to participate in sustainable waste management practices. Community composting programs and workshops can raise awareness about environmental issues and promote collective responsibility for waste reduction.

2. Educational Opportunities

Composting offers valuable educational opportunities, teaching people about the natural processes of decomposition, soil health, and sustainability. Schools and community organizations can use composting programs to engage students and community members in environmental education.

3. Economic Opportunities

The composting industry supports various economic opportunities, including jobs in manufacturing, distribution, and education. Additionally, businesses and farmers can benefit from the sale of compost and related products.


Traditional composting techniques are still essential to sustainable waste management since they are beneficial to people, communities, and the environment in many ways. We may efficiently use aerobic composting, compost pile management, microbial activity, organic matter breakdown, and composting bins to recycle organic waste and improve our soil by comprehending these concepts.

Using traditional composting techniques has several advantages for the environment and the community in addition to lowering waste and promoting soil health. Traditional composting techniques offer a useful and efficient way to promote a healthier planet while we look for long-term solutions for handling organic waste.