Vermicomposting – Simple process of Composting.

Vermicomposting: A Sustainable Solution for Organic Waste Management

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Composting is a natural process of recycling organic waste into nutrient-rich soil. It is an effective way to reduce waste and minimize the environmental impact of our daily lives. However, traditional composting can be time-consuming and requires a lot of space. That’s where vermicomposting comes in.

Vermicomposting is a composting method that uses earthworms to break down organic waste. The process involves feeding food scraps, yard waste, and other organic matter to worms in a worm bin or vermicomposter. The worms eat the organic material and convert it into nutrient-rich castings that can be used as fertilizer for plants.

Vermicomposting has several advantages over traditional composting methods:

  1. Vermicomposting is faster: Vermicomposting can produce high-quality compost in just a few weeks, while traditional composting can take several months.
  2. Vermicomposting is space-efficient: Vermicomposting can be done in a small space, making it ideal for urban areas or those with limited outdoor space.
  3. Vermicomposting is odorless: Unlike traditional composting, vermicomposting does not produce any unpleasant odors, making it ideal for indoor use.
  4. Vermicomposting is easy: Vermicomposting is a simple process that requires little maintenance. All you need is a worm bin or vermicomposter and some food scraps.
  5. Vermicomposting is sustainable: Vermicomposting is a sustainable solution for organic waste management. It reduces waste and provides nutrient-rich soil for plants.

Getting Started with Vermicomposting

Also Read: What is vermicomposting how to make

To get started with vermicomposting, you will need a few basic supplies:

  1. A worm bin or vermicomposter: You can purchase a pre-made worm bin or vermicomposter, or you can make your own using a plastic bin or container.
  2. Bedding material: The worms need a bedding material to live in. Good options include shredded newspaper, cardboard, or coconut coir.
  3. Worms: You will need to purchase red worms, also known as red wigglers, to start your vermicomposting bin.
  4. Food scraps: The worms need food to eat. Good options include fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, and tea bags.

Setting up Your Vermicomposting Bin

Once you have your supplies, it’s time to set up your vermicomposting bin. Here’s how:

  1. Drill holes in the lid and bottom of the bin for ventilation and drainage.
  2. Add a layer of bedding material to the bottom of the bin.
  3. Add the worms to the bin.
  4. Add food scraps to the bin, burying them under the bedding material.
  5. Keep the bin in a cool, dark place, such as a closet or basement.

Maintaining Your Vermicomposting Bin

Maintaining your vermicomposting bin is easy. Here are some tips:

  1. Feed the worms regularly: The worms need food to eat. Feed them once a week with fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, and tea bags.
  2. Keep the bedding material moist: The bedding material should be moist but not wet. Add water as needed to keep it damp.
  3. Harvest the compost: When the compost is ready, it will be dark and crumbly. Remove the compost from the bin, leaving the worms behind. You can use the compost to fertilize plants.
  4. Avoid feeding the worms meat, dairy, or oily foods: These foods can attract pests and produce unpleasant odors.
  5. Keep the bin away from direct sunlight: Direct sunlight can overheat the bin and harm the worms.


Vermicomposting is a sustainable and efficient method of organic waste management that uses earthworms to break down organic material into nutrient-rich soil. It is a space-efficient and odorless process that can be easily done in urban areas or indoor spaces. Vermicomposting is easy to set up and maintain, making it an ideal solution for anyone looking to reduce their environmental impact and produce high-quality compost for their plants. By following some basic guidelines for setting up and maintaining a vermicomposting bin, anyone can contribute to a more sustainable future while reaping the benefits of nutrient-rich soil for their gardens.

Solar Compost Machine – Why better?

auto machine 12 Guidebest Compost Techniques.

“Harnessing the Power of the Sun: Benefits of Using a Solar Composting System”

Solar Compost Tumbler Machine Guidebest Compost Techniques.

Composting is an effective way to reduce the amount of organic waste in landfills and create nutrient-rich soil for gardening. However, traditional composting methods can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. Fortunately, with the advent of solar technology, composting has become more accessible and efficient. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of using a solar composting system and introduce you to some popular solar composting products on the market.

Solar composting systems are composting systems that use solar energy to power the composting process. They work by harnessing the power of the sun to heat up the compost pile, which accelerates the breakdown of organic matter. Here are some of the benefits of using a solar composting system:

  1. Eco-Friendly: Solar composting systems are eco-friendly since they use renewable energy from the sun. By using a solar composting system, you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a greener planet.
  2. Cost-Effective: Solar composting systems are cost-effective since they do not require electricity or other energy sources to operate. This can save you money on your electricity bills and help you reduce your household expenses.
  3. Low Maintenance: Solar composting systems are easy to maintain since they do not require frequent manual turning of the compost pile. This means you can save time and effort while still reaping the benefits of composting.

also Read: Solar Composting is better Solution to Dispose wet waste.

Now that we have discussed the benefits of using a solar composting system, let’s introduce you to some popular solar composting products on the market.

  1. Solar Powered Compost Machine: This compost machine is designed to handle a variety of organic waste, including food scraps, yard waste, and pet waste. It uses solar energy to power the composting process and can produce nutrient-rich soil in just a few weeks.
  2. Solar Compost Bin: This compost bin is made of recycled plastic and uses solar energy to heat up the compost pile. It features a built-in thermometer to monitor the temperature of the compost pile and has a capacity of up to 80 gallons.
  3. Solar Organic Waste Composter: This composter is ideal for small-scale composting and can handle up to 5 gallons of organic waste. It uses solar energy to heat up the compost pile and can produce compost in just a few weeks.

Conclusion: In conclusion, using a solar composting system has many benefits, including being eco-friendly, cost-effective, and low-maintenance. By harnessing the power of the sun, you can create nutrient-rich soil for gardening and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time. Whether you opt for a solar-powered compost machine, a compost bin, or a compost maker, there are many great solar composting products on the market to choose from.

What is difference between aerobic composting and vermicomposting | 5 main differences.

composting and vermicomposting

Composting and vermicomposting – which one is better?

Composting and vermicomposting
Difference between composting and vermicomposting.

Best thing in composting is that you don’t know which one is better , composting is techniques that is used in waste management system to dispose wet waste, before know something about aerobic composting and vermicomposting , need to understand Composting techniques,
Main thing is composting is we are making compost of wet waste to recycle or reuse and reduce, when we are making composting with aerobic techniques, then we do procedure with heating, mixing, ventilation. Also we use some carbon source to make compost fast. And in vermicomposting techniques we use vermis to make fertilizer of wet waste.

Here is difference between vermicomposting and organic composting.


Factor VermicompostingOrganic Composting
DefinitionWhat is vermicomposting?What is organic Composting?
Timeit takes around 60 to 70 takes 20 to 30 days .
Waste requirement dry leaves or wet waste garden waste etc. with Crowdingkitchen waste , all type of organic waste etc. with saw dust or cocopeat.
QualityVermicomposting is better than organic composting.Organic composting quality is good, but as compared to vermicomposting its less.
PricePrice of Compost is highPrice is less than vermicomposting.
availabilityEasily available online or where compost generating is also easily available anywhere in society. or bulk waste generating plants.
Operating maintenancemaintenance is high in vermicompostingmaintenance is comparatively low as vermicomposting.
organic composting and vermicomposting differanace.

now, we understand composting process step by step;

What is vermicomposting?

Vermicomposting is natural process ,Earthworm manure is also a technology that we convert wet waste into compost, we use Earthworm to convert wet waste into compost. Uses. We say that Earthworm are the friend of the farmers as they help the farmers to increase their yield by increasing the fertility of the soil by producing proper fertilizer from the waste. Vermicomposting is an important component of organic farming which boosts the immunity of your plants. We use Vermicomposting as a granular organic fertilizer containing nutrients, hormones.

An Earthworm is an animal that lives in the soil and consumes organic matter. This process takes at least a couple of days, and he keeps only ten percent for his own body and removes the remaining ninety percent.

read here: What is vermicomposting how to make vermicompost?

What is organic Composting?

Organic Composting is process of natural process of waste dispose system in that waste can easily converted into compost with heating, mixing and ventilation process, you can understand details in composting.

read here: What is organic Composting? How to make organic aerobic composting.

vermicomposting is longer process to produce compost, it usually take 2.5 to 3 months to make perfect and good quality compost, while organic compost is natural process but it takes less time if we processed it better. in organic composting, you can use any type of wet waste but in vermicomposting if you use Lemon, lime, orange or other citrus peels and juice (in excess this will make the soil too acidic) Onions and garlic (a good rule of thumb is if it makes you smell, it makes your worm bin smell) Meat, fats, grease, bones or oils (no butter, lard, stocks, soups, etc) you should not add in vermicomposting otherwise vermis can not sustain in this environment.

You can watch video regarding compost process:

Due to high maintenance , compost quality of vermicomposting is to much better , because of better quality compost cost of compost go high & It produce good quality compost which is very useful for plants and garden, as compared to vermicomposting , cost of organic compost or aerobic compost is less than vermicomposting.

both techniques are good but vermicomposting techniques are most powerful techniques.

advantageous of making vermicomposting is more but there are some disadvantageous also,

It is a time-consuming process

It releases a very foul odor.

Vermicomposting is high maintenance.

vermis can not sustain in high and very low temperature.

dis advantageous of vermicomposting

There are some disadvantageous of organic composting also,

Composting gives unpleasant smell
Lots of work is involved
Rats, snakes and bugs might get attracted
Lots of space is required

dis advantageous of composting

if you want some more information about compost machine on solar visit our website-klimrus

you can read here : Top10 benefits of composting.

So, what do you think? which system is better according to you? please comment or mail us on


Solar Powered Compost Machine Invented by two Engineer

WhatsApp Image 2021 05 09 at 11.42.08 Guidebest Compost Techniques.

Our Jorney Starts with Solar Powered Compost Machine…

The user-friendly and low-cost solar-powered compost machines are for everybody.

Proper disposal of waste can prevent 60% of waste from entering the landfill

image Guidebest Compost Techniques.
solar powered compost machine success story


At present the issue of waste disposal is very serious, every person, even if we think about proper disposal of personal waste, we can reduce waste by 60% ourselves.
the process of converting wet Waste into compost can be done in a bin manualy or a unit that on electricity.electrical devices not only consume Electricity but also leaves behind massive carbon footprints. composting is use to save the environment. To eliminate this problem, we started our business from Maharashtra’s Thane district have Invented machine that run on solar.


“An electric compost Machine needs power for the Heating, Mixing and Areation process, community composting unit uses around 1500 units per month, and the bill can come up to Rs 15,000. You are burning the environment and your pocket. Which is why we designed units with solar panels that produce electricity from the sun. Only the shredder machine  will require electricity in system, which won’t be more than 2 units per day,”


we have designed multiple variations of the machine to suit different requirements, and all you need is an area that measures a minimum of 100 sq. ft., to install one.
From a household generating one kilo of wet garbage to  generating company 500 kilos, ecofriendly and low-cost machines are for everyone.
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Compost Machine

Further, the cost of the Machine is 50 per cent less than the conventional ones.

 “Our 50-kilo capacity unit costs one lakh , Whereas another Machine in market with the same capacity which runs on elctricity costs around four lakhs,”

A unit meant for a family costs anywhere between Rs 8000 to 12000. For a large Machine that can complet community-level composting, the Price depends on the capacity. Their biggest Machine is priced at Rs 9 lakh that treats up to 500 kilos of wet garbage.

Advantageos of this machine is that if there isn’t enough sunlight in your house, the solar panels can be installed on the terrace or any other place where sunlight presents. The smallest machine produces up to 200 watts of energy, whereas a 500-kilo system can generate 1kilowatts that can be used for composting.

solar compost image 1 41 Guidebest Compost Techniques.

Another advantage of the system is that it is maintenance-free and odourless during use .

 “ a 50-kilo machine that treats garbage of nearly 100 flats. you have to appoint only one person who does the entire process in a hassle-free manner. It is very simple and easy-to-use. you can use the freshly made compost in your gardens,”  

Solar Compost Machine Sysyem Works:

Here’s a 3-step process:


1.  Shredder : Deposit the wet garbage, including vegetable waste, peels, eggshells, coffee/tea powder, food waste, and so on in the shredder. shredder will shred the waste into tiny pieces in shredder provided with system.


2. Solar Compost Machine: Transfer the pieces to a heated chamber for mixing. Here waste is adequately mixed with browns like dry leaves, cocopeat or sawdust as carbon source to remove moisture and prevent foul odour. Keep the mix inside the chamber for six days. The mixture is heated to a temperature of 50-60 degree celsius by the use of solar-powered machine.


3. Curring section: Transfer the newly made compost to a storage rack and keep it for 3-4  days for cooling.

How it all started

It all started when ut Tuvik and I, during an engineering course at Nagpur University, went on a trip to Ambernath after our graduation.
At the time, Rutvick was completing  a sustainability course from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in mumbai, and I was working for a private firm that daels with waste management at pune.
“We were on our bikes looking at the mound of rubbish dumped on the dumping ground. This was a trigger for both of us. Mountains are a symbol of beauty, not waste. We decided to base our knowledge on the use and design of low cost composting equipment on sustainability and work experience, ”he said.

“This eye-opening incident forced us to find a way to dispose of the waste at the source, and in the end we decided to build a composting machine as it is more possible to treat wet waste than to recycle dry waste.”

We worked hard to develop a model that was different from the traditional machines that already existed in the market. In parallel, they conducted surveys with electric composting units in housing organizations to understand needs and errors.

“We found two common problems, high electricity bills and heavy maintenance. So, we know our option should be greener and less expensive, “he said.

We studied the research journal and watched numerous videos. When we were hitting the last stage, we came across the technology of solar dryer which can be integrated into the composting machine.

Integrating technology was not an easy task. We did many experiments and tests before cracking the formula. During this time, we faced many challenges and limitations.

“We spent about one lakh to realize that the waste storage capacity for the first prototype is very low. We installed waste processing units free of charge in our neighboring building. ”

Once our final prototype was successful, it was successfully tested in several buildings in Thane and Mumbai.

In 2017, we registered our company ‘Klimrus Sustainable Solution Pvt Ltd’. So far we have sold 70 machines to individual households, housing societies, hostels, hotels and companies including Pune-based Mondelez International, which manufactures the beloved Cadbury range of chocolates.

Making Compost in Less Than 10 Days

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Once contacted, a team from Klimrus Sustainable Solution will install the machine, shredder and solar panels and train you or a housekeeping staff on how to run the system.
for compact designes we also provide with good machine with manual shredder and atrractive machines.
“We have created two compartments inside the unit for a continuous cycle; If one is filled, you can continue the process in the other. The entire solar-run process takes around ten days. In a 100-kilo unit, you will have 30 kilos of nutrient-rich organic compost,”
25kg compost machine with shredder 41 Guidebest Compost Techniques.


In a country like India, which generates 62 million tonnes of waste every year, treating garbage at source is the first step to reduce this massive generation. Composting is an easy way you can start with, and green units developed by us can effectively help curb the waste.

So basically make compost by its own…or contact for more guidance, we cleare every daubts regarding waste disposal. Comment any suggestion if you have for our better success.