Low Cost Manual Waste Shredder | Guidebest Compost

manual Guidebest Compost Techniques.

Low Cost Manual Waste Shredder | Waste shredder manual

Manual waste shredder

It is Manual waste shredder which shred all kind of organic waste to compost in small particles, composting shredder shred waste and speed composting process, Manual Waste shredder is one type of grinding or chopping machine which cuts waste material into small particle and reduce volume of waste, it help to grow bacterial action during composting. due to manual shredder waste decomposes quick and it help to make compost in less period. When you following a composting Procedure , after segregation of wet waste , you follow second step of shredding waste. Some times cutting or chopping of wet waste manually is big and very difficult job, so we finding a low cost solution which cuts or shred wet waste with efficiently with automatic or Manual.

Waste can  divided in two types, 

1.organic waste

2.an inorganic waste.

Organic waste is all type of wet waste that can we make a compost while 

inorganic Waste you can not compost, it have some market value that you can shred into different double shaft shredder or chopper Shredder.

Read here: What is Waste Shredder &  types of waste Shredder   

First step to convert your organic waste into compost is shred all waste into small particles to speed composting.

How Does it Work?

Manual waste Shredder is shredding of all organic Waste Manually by rotating cranck Handel or chopping of Waste Manually. when you put or insert your waste on top hoper into shredder you just rotate handle provided and you will get small or cutting particles or Shredded waste at output side, you can collect this waste and use it for next steps for Composting.

Also Read:
What is Composting? How to Start Compost? 

What are features of Manual Waste Shredder?

1. Manual Shredder is made up of stainless steel material its body 

2. Cutting blade is made up of SS304 grade stainless steel.

3. blade is sharpen and welded with  TIG welding

4. all parts are highly compact, and with good Quality.

Why this Shredder is Better?

1. Shredder is Made up of SS202 & SS304, which is highly compact, and maintenance free.
2. Easy to handle with manual rotating Cranking Handel, anyone can easily rotate this handle and can use this shredder.
3. It is low cost machine which you cuts your all types of organic waste instead manual cutting.

Working of Manual Waste Shredder:

Everyone know that Shredder is very important part in composting, without Waste Shredder it is a very difficult job to make compost within less time, you need proper shredded waste for fast composting Process.

This Shredder is Easy to operate , Handel Provided is use to rotate to make small particle of waste which is useful to make compost in easy way.

For better understanding you can see videos of Manual Shredder.

The main function of shredder is to cut waste into small particles, that small particles are easily processed with any processing or natural composting machine that create compost, due to shredder no more time taken to make compost, because natural decomposition occurs to small particle.
you can use this shredder to your kitchen, garden, home etc. 
due to manual process into shredder, shredder will not required any Electricity. you can shredd waste into this shredder with no limit, but on an average minimum 20-30kg daily waste you can shredd into the shredder.
you can add any type organic waste into shredder, if hard material found into shredder then you can rotate it reversly and take out this material out to increase life of shredder.

Can we shred chicken bones? 

Can we shred branches of leave etc?

most common question about this shredder asked to many people,  This manual shreder is made up of Stainless steel, blade is sharpen and have good quality parts to cut your waste but big bones can not cut into this shredder, this shredder is for food waste and garden waste, you can shred dry leaves or wet leaves but if  big branches of tree can not cut into this shredder.
you can shred any type of organic waste like fruits, meal leftover, kitchen waste onion, tomato, potato etc.

also Read:  What can not compoost?

How to Install manual Waste Shredder?

When you Order this shredder online , you will get parcel with disassemble  parts assemble it as per video instruction and you can use this shredder you can see following video indicates assemble of Manual Shredder.

So this shredder quality is best but you should care about this shredder to not use for commercial purpose. 
Company Klimrus Solution is manufacturing this Shredder and supply this shredder anywhere in India, for more details you can visit klimrus.

you can contact us to know more detail about this machine.

Waste segregation at home | Guidebest Compost

bucket garbage calculation Guidebest Compost Techniques.

Waste Segregation at home: Segregate Waste Before reuse.

waste segregation

To make Compost waste segregation is to much important factor in waste management system, Indian Citizen are not serious about waste segregation. most of people are not segregated waste at home. so due to that reason now waste creating mountains, mountains are the symbol of beauty not waste.

so now Every people thinking that waste segregation is very critical and very bore job, but if you are doing it any proper way so you will know that how much it is easy work. Before doing segregation it is important to know what is dry waste and what is wet waste?

how to segregate waste and how to reuse or recycle waste.

Waste segregation” means dividing waste into dry and wet. Dry waste includes wood and related products, metals and glass. Wet waste typically refers to organic waste usually generated by eating establishments and are heavy in weight due to dampness.


Why segregation is important?

If you want to reuse or recycle your any type of waste then you can , but you can not play with mixed material. Mixed material is all type of waste including everything from organic waste to hazard and harmful waste.
There are different types of waste you can segregate, but main segregation of three types.
1. Wet waste.
2. Dry waste.
3. E- waste.

how to segregate waste and how to reuse or recycle waste.

You can use any three partician or three buckets to segregate these waste.

1. Wet waste-

waste segregation

Wet waste is very important in waste segregation , wet waste is difficult to segregate from dry waste, but you start to collect or creates wet waste only. Then your work would be easy and you can reuse your wet waste to make compost or generate energy or gas.

What type of waste is wet waste- 

Fruits&peels, vegetables & Peels poultry & fish, Egg & crab shells, bakery food, chicken & meat, fast food, meal leftover, garden waste etc.

2. Dry waste-

waste segregation
dry waste has some value because it can be reuse and recycle with easy way, dry waste you can collect in bucket with using separate bucket or separate device.

What type of waste is dry waste-

Coal or Charcoal Ash, chicken & Meat big bones, dairy product,pet wastes, plastic cloth & rubbers, inorganic & hard substances, metal glass & electrode, medicine/chemical etc.

3. E waste-

waste segregation
This type of waste is very dangerous and to reuse it you have to process in crusher or shredder and reuse and recycle it. It is very difficult reuse and recycle.

What type of waste is E- waste-

E waste or simply electronic waste is the refuse that is basically a term for electronic products that have become unwanted, non working or in some cases obsolete and have reached the end of their useful life. Because of technological advances many electronic products become obsolete in a few years. E waste are TVs, computer monitors, printers, scanners, keyboards, mice, cables, circuit boards, lamps, clocks, flashlight, calculators, phones, answering machines, digital/video cameras, radios, VCRs, DVD players, MP3 and CD players.

  There are so many waste are harmful waste like medical waste, sanitary napkin, pet waste etc. are not reuse but you can dispose it in your way, to dispose these type of waste so many techniques and technology available in market.
So Segregate waste before reuse it, waste can give us money, so waste material you can recycle and reuse it, before recycle and reuse , you have to segregate waste properly at home and use method of composting, you can make compost of wet waste and you can recycle waste and earn money, if liked this post please share to maximum people.

Home Composter | Convert waste into Compost | Compost Guide for home

Home Composter

 Home Composter Convert waste into Compost.

Home Composter

 Home Composter Convert waste into Compost. which is used to make compost   for your daily waste generated in kitchen or flats.

How does it works? 

Home Composter works on manual and electrical fan. There are two bins in machine each has 25-30kg capacity, just put the waste into manual shredder  which we have provided on the top of machine, continue putting the waste into first bin till it gets filed, while putting the waste into machine, rotate handle provided once or twice, it would require 10-12 days to fill one bin after using one bin, can use take second bin and follow same procedure, when second bin get filled, compost would be ready in first bin. Remove compost from first bin and can use it for plantation or other purposes. 


Home Composter

 Machine works on solar technology, with heating, mixing, ventilation with wholesome natural process .

Home Composter is much Easy to Operate or Handle, Maintenance free, for practical view can observe the following video:

Technical details

Electrical consumption- No
Dimension- 400mm x 500mm x500mm 
Electrical power – No , Machine Work On Solar.
Daily waste capacity- 2-3 kg/day. 

What Required for Composting?

these are used for composting as carbon Source.

1.Saw dust

2. Culture powder. 

What is require to make compost.?

You will require saw dust or dry leaves at least 10% of your daily waste.

How much time will be require to make compost.?

Minimum of 30 days will require to make compost in one bin.


1. Odor free
2.No maintenance.
3. Adjustable size.
4. Low cost
5. Make quality compost.

Principle of this Machine:

Home Composter works on Heating, Mixing & Ventilation Principle .Here we are providing long time to decompose waste providing some natural bacterial action on waste, There are two bins in machine each has 25-30kg capacity, just put your waste into manual shredder with handle which we have provided on the top of machine, shredder crushes waste into small bits to accelerate composting, shredded waste can put into first bin till it gets filed, when waste is drawn waste into machine, rotate handle provided once or twice,  rotation is only for mixing purpose for enhancing the quality of Compost .Its important to mix waste properly. It would require 10-12 days to fill one bin after using one bin , can use second bin and follow same procedure, when second bin gets filled, compost will be ready in first bin by natural process, We are giving excess of time to decompose hence can get best quality compost. If the machine is installed under sunlight, it would help the machine to decompose fast. There is also one provision given to this machine is provided areation fans which operated on solar or electrical to prevent and helps to improve compost quality, Remove compost from first bin and you can use it for plantation or other useful process.

plant 41 Guidebest Compost Techniques.


Thus, Expected with the rapid change in innovation and growing technology it is also important to save our planet Earth. Thus, Not a hot planet but a beautiful earth with clear sky, clean water, and clean air should be our commitment to the the next generations.
For more details, or in case of any grievances or any Queries u can visit us at klimrus.in 

more about composting and benefits of composting you can visit our other post, you can find how to do compost at home , step by step guide for composting at home, you can use any other method to do compost at home, if you liked this post please share this post or comment in comment section.

more about home Composter you can comment and share this post to maximum people to know about composting, 

Carbon Source is need to make Composting | Compost Guide

carbon source

Why Carbon Source is need to make Composting 

Carbon Source is needed for Composting.

Carbon source for composting

      Carbon Source is main Key or first step to convert waste into Compost by using Technology, So carbon Source is heart of composting , when you are ready to convert your Organic waste into compost then you need to add some carbon Source in that, carbon source help to speed of composting , it help to  calculate the C/N ratio of your compost mixture

What are exactly carbon Source:

as definition of carbon source we consider it as brawn material ,it may be dry leaves, straw,  coco- Peat or saw dust etc.

Composting relies on the right ingredients to be successful. Brown materials such as leaves, straw, hay and sawdust are high in carbon and are a source of energy for the compost microbes.

Organic materials used for compost should include a mixture of brown organic material (dead leaves, twigs, manure) and green organic material (lawn clippings, fruit rinds, etc.). Brown materials supply carbon, while green materials supply nitrogen. The best ratio is 1 part green to 1 part brown material.

below are some carbon source you can add during composting.

   Also Read: How to Convert waste into usable compost?

1. CoCo Peat-

carbon source used for composting

Cocopeat is a natural particles made up of coconut husks, It is a 100% natural growing medium. This cocopeat dried in the sun and processed to produce different items namely cocopeat block, cocopeat briquettes, cocopeat powder etc, Cocopeat decomposes at a very slow rate. When aged correctly, peat holds sodium and potassium.

Coco coir fiber is a natural fiber extracted from the husk of coconut.

Coconut fiber adds air pockets into your medium.
It’s not very absorbent which is good because the growing media needs air pockets in order to provide oxygen to the roots.

Coco husk chips are the slicing of the husk of the coconut into uniform sizes.Whole coconut husk is cut into different sizes, graded, washed to remove salts and excess tannin and dried.Combination with Coir and chips are used in cut flower rose and Gerber production, to provide optimal drainage and aeration. Added to potting soil, replacing regular bark,Coconut Husk Chips also significantly reduce the incidence of Sudden Oak Death (SOD) disease.

2. saw dust:

carbon source used for composting

Saw Dust is very high moisture observing material in composting.Sawdust (or wood shavings) is a by-product or waste product of woodworking operations such as sawing, milling, planing, and routing. It is composed of small chippings of wood. These operations can be performed by woodworking machinery, portable power tools or by use of hand tools. you can add in waste to avoid smell and decompose waste quickly. generally we prefer to add these type of saw dust in composting.
during rainy season you can add more sawdust ,These rely on air pulled with a suction force through piping systems from the point of dust formation to a waste disposal unit. LEV systems consist of four elements: dust hoods at the point of dust formation, ventilation ducts, an air cleaning device (waste separator or dust collector) and an air moving device (a fan, otherwise known as an impeller).The air, containing dust and chips from the woodworking operation, is sucked by an impeller. The impeller is usually built into, or placed close to, the waste disposal unit, or dust collector.
Guidelines of performance for woodworking LEV systems exist, and these tie into occupational air quality regulations that exist in many countries. The LEV guidelines often referred to are those set by the ACIAH.

3. dry leaves

carbon source used for composting

Leaf composting is one of the smartest things you can do for your garden. dry leaves are most important things in composting, if you have idea about composting then you will get good quality compost with dry leaves, also dry leaves are dry waste but it will help for fast composting.
If you haven’t gotten into it yet, or don’t know where to start, this is for you. Get ready to know everything you’ll ever want to know about how to compost leaves so that your leaves decay quickly and turn into beautiful, rich compost.


carbon source used for composting


Throughout history, people who raise livestock and poultry have used manure as a fertilizer, soil amendment, energy source, and even construction material. Manure contains many useful, recyclable components, including nutrients, organic matter, solids, energy, and fiber.

apart from these carbon source you can use branches, stems,  peels, bits of wood,  shredded cardboard paper , corn stalks, coffee filters, coffee grounds, conifer needles, straw, peat moss, wood ash for composting, without carbon source it is very difficult to convert waste into fertilizer, so which carbon you are using for composting and and suggest any good carbon Source for composting in comment section. please share this post if liked to know or who are interested in gardening.