can we reduce food waste-reuse waste

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How will we tend to cut back food methods to reduce food waste


Vermicomposting.-reduce food waste


Various strategies that incorporate wet waste composting through the utilization of earthworms have conjointly been undertaken. The worms eat away the wet waste and turn out usable compost.

suitable atmosphere is provided for vermicomposting to require place.However such composting processes take large quantity of land and time consumption still. Vermicompost is incredibly smart methodology to try to to compost, wet waste composting through the utilization of earthworms have conjointly been undertaken. The worms eat away the wet waste and turn out usable compost. AN appropriate atmosphere is provided for vermicomposting to require place. but such composting processes take large quantity of land and time consumption still however it results higher quality output ever. because of process you have got to require care of warms as per atmosphere. so reduce food waste by using vermicomposting method.

reduce food waste

reduce food waste


Such style of composting is made by entities that have ample house or property to use such techniques. vermicomposting techniques is additionally easy to use however properly to use such techniques area unit vital, you simply create one aerated box like compost bin and keep your waste and leave earth warms within, maintenance of vermicompost techniques area unit high as compared to different techniques however compost quality is very higher as compared to different techniques.

Composting pits:

Pit is employed for making ready Compost, it’s terribly straightforward methodology to try to to composting.

Composting pits

reduce food waste

it is very important to know one of the best method to reduce food waste is compost pit, recycling of room scraps and also the creation of a natural chemical for garden plants and vegetables. Compost pits provide an easy and free various to buying or building a compost bin, as they’re created right within the ground among your yard.
Such style of composting is made by entities that have ample house or property to use such techniques


Easy to arrange compost.
Zero cost.
Help to scale back the waste.
Clean atmosphere.

The Compost Tumbler:
Compost Tumbler

reduce food waste

Composting Tumbler is best Technology to Convert your Organic Waste into compost and with facilitate of this results smart quality compost. Compost Tumbler Takes To a lot of Time to create Compost Because of Its process.
No matter that compost tumbler is horizontal or vertical however it matters compounding step ought to follow . you’ll be able to place your compost tumbler static however you have got to produce one cracked handle to compounding of waste within.
You can method your waste into compost with low-cost, No extra money have to be compelled to pay over it.
It is maintenance free, No any breakdown happens if follow every and each step of composting.
Results very best quality Compost because of long method and activity.


Easy to compost with compost tumbler.
Low Cost Solution & best method.
help to reduce food waste.
make good quality Compost.

for a lot of details you’ll be able to visit klimrus or drop comment

Read more : Compost Tumblers Convert Waste into usefull Compost