Composting | Coffee Grounds | Use for garden

Coffee Ground

Composting With Coffee Grounds-Use for garden

What is Coffee ground?

Coffee grounds use for garden
Used coffee grounds is the result of brewing coffee, and are the final product after preparation of coffee. Used coffee grounds are generally regarded as waste, and is usually thrown away or composted. Coffee grounds are a gift to the environment, we use the use it in a good way to help the plants get nutrients, so the plants get useful nutrition, and the plants grow well. This is one of the many types of composting, you can use coffee ground as the right type of compost.

How does the coffee grounds work?

The coffee grounds used is high in nitrogen and is called a green material, as all the minerals it uses provide significant nutritional benefits for growing plants. You can also use the used coffee ground to make compost, it is used as the most suitable for worms, in which the vermicomposting process works very well.

In gardens:

In gardens, coffee grounds may be used for Composting or as a mulch as they are known to slowly release nitrogen into the soil. The dry coffee grounds contain significant amounts of potassium (11.7 g/kg), magnesium (1.9 g/kg), and phosphorus (1.8 g/kg). They are especially appreciated by worm and acid- loving plants  , although due to acids being leached from the grounds while in use, they typically have a neutral pH. Used coffee ground are particularly noted as a soil amendment. Gardeners have reported the use of used coffee grounds as a slug and snail repellent, but this has not yet been scientifically tested. Some commercial coffee shops run initiatives to prevent the grounds from going to waste, including Starbucks‘ “Grounds for your Garden” project,and community sponsored initiatives exist, such as “Ground to Ground” or the ‘Green Coffee Shop Scheme’ in Cambridgeshire.Coffee grounds are very easy to use, you can grow different types of flowers and fruits in your garden, coffee ground have so much strength that it helps the plants to grow well from the roots, it helps to make very beautiful flowers and fruits.

Where can I get Coffee Ground?

In many cafe-making restaurants like Starbucks, coffee grounds are available for free. You can ask for coffee ground used in such restaurants to be used as compost for your garden. Take it and use it as fertilizer for your garden. when you use this for your garden you will be amazing after plants grow, there are lot of benefits of it.

 benefits of coffee ground:

  1. The benefit of  coffee grounds as a fertilizer is that it adds organic material to the soil, which improves drainage, water retention and aeration in the soil. 
  2. The used coffee ground will also help microorganisms beneficial to plant growth  also it helps to make vermi-composting easy. 
  3. most people are thinking that coffee ground lower the pH  of soil, which is good for acid loving plants. But this is only true for unwashed coffee ground.
  4. Many gardeners like to use used coffee grounds as a mulch for their plants.
there are more benefits of coffee ground for your plants, you just start with coffee grounds you will definitive get more advantageous of it.

There are several benefits of Composting, compost can use for good plant growth, so you can use coffee ground as fertilizer and it help to improve your soil health and plants & give good result. so if you found this is good information about Coffee ground then please Share our post to maximum people to know more about benefits of it,

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What is vermicomposting how to make

vermicompost 2Bwith 2Bvermi Guidebest Compost Techniques.

What is Vermicompost and how to make Vermicomposting

As a farmer’s friend, we have been learning since childhood about Earthworms and useful information about manure. some people cultivate a hobby of making compost while others learn about this fertilizer to increase the fertility of their land, today I am going to give you information about such Vermicomposting. It takes time for us to do our best to maintain the fertility of the soil. Currently we see that the soil fertility or its level has gone down by chemical treatment, we have learned about many technologies to make compost from wet waste, Earthworm manure is also a technology that we convert wet waste into compost, we use Earthworm to convert wet waste into compost. Uses. We say that Earthworm are the friend of the farmers as they help the farmers to increase their yield by increasing the fertility of the soil by producing proper fertilizer from the waste. at present, the government or the government forces the farmers to grow crops using chemical elements to relieve them, but as a result, the soil becomes accustomed to the chemical elements and the land becomes barren and it becomes very difficult to grow crops and this has adverse effects on the environment. The fertility of the soil is declining day by day. As a result, the cost of production has gone up drastically and as we see farmers going into debt, it is very important to increase the fertility of the land. You can increase soil fertility by using Vermicompost.

What is Vermi?

Before we learn more about earthworm manure, let us first know what earthworm is. An Earthworm is an animal that lives in the soil and consumes organic matter. This process takes at least a couple of days, and he keeps only ten percent for his own body and removes the remaining ninety percent. Vermicompost is an important component of organic farming which boosts the immunity of your plants. We use Vermicompost as a granular organic fertilizer containing nutrients, hormones.

Types of Earthworms:

Earthworms-VermicompostingEpigeic : These earthworms live near the surface of the soil. Eighty percent of your food consumes organic matter, while 20 percent consumes soil and other nutrients. Their fertility rate is higher. They are small in size.
Anecic : These earthworms usually live up to a depth of one meter in the soil and eat organic matter and soil. They are medium in size.
Endogeic: These earthworms live up to a depth of three meters or more in the soil. They are long in size, pale in color and have a very low fertility rate. They mostly eat soil.

Due to the characteristics of these three species, Epigeic and  Anecic earthworms are used for composting. The four most useful species are Isenia fetida, Perionics, Eudrilus and Lampito. They eat as much food every day as their own weight.

Suitable species of earthworm for vermicomposting:

Although there are more than 300 species of earthworms, the most important and suitable species of earthworms are mainly Isina foitida, Eudrilus eugenia, Perinoxy, Exovatus, Ferritima elongata. The growth of this variety is good and the process of making the manure takes 40 to 45 days.

Earthworm life cycle:

There are three stages in the life of an earthworm: egg, infancy and adulthood. All of these conditions require moist soil. The life cycle of earthworm depends mainly on its species. Full-grown earthworms have both female and male reproductive organs. The earthworm lays eggs every six to seven days. These eggs contain two to twenty embryos. Egg stage is 7 to 20 days depending on the weather conditions. Worm infestation lasts for two to three months. Then when it comes to maturity, 2 to 3 cm from the mouth. Half a cm apart. The shaped part becomes thicker. This is a sign of aged earthworms. The life span of earthworms is generally two to three years. Full grown earthworms of the genus Isinia fetida are 12 to 15 cm in length. Is. One kilogram normally holds one thousand full grown earthworms. If one thousand such earthworms are taken and reared in a favorable environment, their number in a year is eight lakh and thirteen thousand. Piglets and adult earthworms weigh 2,000 per kg. One hundred kilos of adult earthworms produce one ton of vermicompost per month.

Earthworm conservation and vermicompost production

Site selection and construction

The soil should be well drained when selecting a vermicomposting site. Also, there should not be large trees near the pit, as the roots of these trees absorb the nutrients in the vermicompost. Since shade is required for making vermicompost, the roof should be prepared as follows. When making it, the width should be 5 and a half meters, height in the middle 3 meters, side height 1 meter and length should be 5 to 25 meters as per the requirement – depending on the available manure and the material required for the roof. The roof is 1 m wide and 20 cm wide. Dig two parallel variables of the depth.

Worm food

8 to 9 cm at the bottom of the pasture. Height or thick layer should be filled with kadikachara, mulch, dried grass, sugarcane husk. Sprinkle water on it. 8 to 9 cm. Apply second layer of composted manure, land manure, organic manure. Sprinkle water on it till it gets wet, then release earthworms on this layer. 5 to 6 cm. Apply a thick layer of decomposed organic manure and cow dung. 20 to 30 cm on this layer. Apply manure, land manure, organic manure till height. Sprinkle water on it till it gets wet. This mattress should be covered with gonapat. Sprinkle water on this mattress every day so that the mattress stays moist and vermicompost grows well. In this method vermicompost is prepared in 15 to 20 days. Similarly, household waste, sewage and kitchen waste can also be used.

Also Read: What is Aerobic Composting? how to Start Composting?

The growth of earthworms is best in manure. Their numbers increase exponentially to produce better quality vermicompost. In the same way, earthworm manure is also made from horse manure. The food required for earthworms should be at least partially decomposed. Vermicompost can be made using a mixture of manure and organic manure in half. Earthworms can use wet leaves from the field, vegetable residues, partially decomposed crop residues, press mills from sugar mills. However, when using this food for earthworms, it is necessary to add some amount (one third) of manure. Always grind vermicompost. Slurry from biogas plants can also be used as vermicompost. Before putting earthworms in the pit, apply water on the earthworm feed for four to five days to remove the heat. Fertilizer decomposition should be done using bacterial culture. In addition, when one kg of urea and one kg of superphosphate per ton is mixed in the vermicompost, the decomposition process will be faster and the vermicompost will be ready sooner. The number of earthworms increases by 10 times if the leaves of Glycerdia are placed on the earthworm bed and a 4 inch thick layer of dung is applied on it.

Methods of vermicomposting:

Vermicompost can be prepared by both mound and pit methods. However, both methods require artificial shade. Roof sheds should be constructed to protect them from sunlight and rain. The length of this shed should be 4.25 m for two mounds and 7.50 m for four mounds. The shelter should be sloping on both sides of the shed. The height of side pillars should be 1.25 to 1.50 m and the height of middle pillars should be 2.25 to 2.50 m. Use grass, paddy straw, coconut husks, cotton or turmeric sticks, sorghum trays, thick plastic paper or cement or iron sheets for roofing. Choose the right variety of earthworm to make vermicompost.

Heap method:

Earthworms-Vermicomposting HeapApproximately 2.5 to 3.0 m. Length and 90 cm. Make piles of width. First the soil should be watered and moistened. At the bottom of the mound 3 to 5 cm of non-perishable substances like coconut husk, grass, rice husk etc. I Form a thick layer, sprinkle enough water on it and make it wet. 3 to 5 sec on this layer. I Apply a layer of semi-decomposed dung, compost or sifted garden soil. Full grown earthworms should be gently released on this layer. Normally 100 kg. 7,000 adult earthworms should be released to make vermicompost from grams of organic matter. On the second layer, crop residues, animal manure, grain bran, field weeds, leaves of dicotyledonous green trees like Giripushpa Shevari, manure manure, hen droppings etc. should be used. It is better to use these organic substances in small pieces and in partially decomposed form. The carbon : nitrogen ratio should be between 30 and 40. Care should be taken that the height of the entire mound does not exceed 60. Rotting organic matter should contain 40 to 50% water. For this, cover the mound with gonapat and spray water daily. Care should be taken to keep the temperature of the organic matter in the heap between 25 and 30 degrees Celsius.

Pit method:

Earthworms-Vermicomposting PeatIn this method cement pits are 3 m long, 2 m wide and 60 cm deep. I Should be kept. At the bottom of the pits, coconut husk, grass, rice bran, wheat bran 3 to 5 cm. I Apply a layer of partially decomposed dung, compost or sifted soil in the garden. Wet both the layers completely with water and apply about 100 kg. Solve 7,000 adult earthworms to make vermicompost from gram organic matter. A maximum of 50 cm of semi-decomposed organic matter is placed on it. Form a thick layer. Always keep it wet by covering it with gonapat. For the growth of earthworms, air must be circulated in the organic matter in the pit. For this, if the layer of organic matter thickens, loosen it by hand. So the temperature in the pit will be controlled. The cone shape of the vermicompost made in this way should be piled up. Separate the manure from the top of the mound and dry it in the shade. Worms separated after sieving, they should use the chicks and testicles to make vermicompost again.

Fertilizer preparation period

It usually takes 35 to 50 days to make vermicompost using earthworms.

Important matters for making vermicompost

The vermicompost project should be in a shady and humid ventilated place.Manure and field crop residues and plant leaves should be in the ratio of 3: 1 and all these should be decomposed for 15-20 days before release of earthworms. at the bottom of the pit, first add 15 to 20 cm of finely chopped dried leaves.Water the Earthworms for 1 day before releasing the Earthworms. Water the earthworms daily or depending on the temperature of the atmosphere. There should be a special net for the vermicompost to collect the vermiwash, plan to collect the vermiwash by digging a hole there


Isolation of Vermicompost

Assume that the manure is formed when the color of the manure turns dark brown. Watering should be stopped when manure is ready. When the top layer is a little dry, remove the whole vermicompost from the bed. Should take. In 3-4 hours, all the earthworms should be left in the bed / pit for composting. In the same way, vermicompost can be prepared by pit, pot or tank method. In addition to this, as a second method, lightly collect the Vermicompost layer prepared on the mattress and add new food on the mattress. This vermicompost consists of a mixture of earthworm eggs, their droppings and decomposed manure. Such earthworm manure can be used in the field. Apply this fertilizer at the rate of 5 tons per hectare per year for different crops. With prepared manure-worms

Benefits of Vermicomposting:

  1. Improves soil texture.
  2. Appropriate changes are made in the composition of the soil particles.
  3. Worm weevils provide excellent cultivation without damaging the roots of the plant.
  4. Increases the water holding capacity of the soil.
  5. Soil erosion is reduced.
  6. Evaporation rate decreases.
  7. Soil level (pH) is maintained at proper level.
  8. The earthworms bring the soil from the lower layer to the surface and make it better.
  9. As Vermicompost is rich in humus, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other micronutrients are abundant and readily available to plants.
  10. The number of useful bacteria in the soil increases exponentially.
  11. There was also wet waste management
  12. Soil fertility is maintained
  13. This fertilizer keeps the microorganisms in the soil alive.
  14. This fertilizer keeps the soil fertile.

Also Read: how to reduce food waste by other methodes.

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Composting 101 : Compost guide for beginners | Guidebest Compost.

17d39875 bd74 4119 b271 7b0fc4c95831 Guidebest Compost Techniques.

What is Composting & how to start Composting – Guidebest Compost.

before Composting , there are two things you need to know to properly dispose of wet waste, recycle and Reuse of organic waste provides more benefits to environment like improving soil heath, recycling nutrients, mitigating the impact of droughts.

Dispose of waste can be done by decomposition techniques, there are  two methods of decomposition.

  1.  Aerobic.
  2. an anaerobic.

with the help of aerobic, we create a useful compost which is used to grow plants and improve soil health.

and with the help of un aerobic we can generate bio gas that can use to generate heat.

first of all you should know what is aerobic & what is un aerobic?

Aerobic means existence of Air or Oxygen, Aerobic composting is decomposition of waste or material using living microorganisms. 

Aerobic Composting:

Aerobic composting uses bacteria and reflects natural decomposition. The process of aerobic composting can be used with all types of organic matter. carbon sources encourage a type of bacteria to grow that produces high temperatures, up to 60 to 70 degrees Celsius. Aerobic composting works fast & efficiently, most of people use this techniques for compost, because it is easy way to convert organic waste into compost.

Anaerobic composting:

 Anaerobic composting decomposes waste without oxygen. Natural materials are stacked up and naturally decompose in anaerobic composting. This process completly air free and will not need to be handle. Anaerobic composting produces a large amount of methane .

What is composting? why should we do compost?

Globally, 54 percent of the total population now lives in urban areas, hustling and bustling from job to job and unwittingly leaving waste behind that is detrimental not just to their own lives but also to future generations.


Composting is technique to add bacterial Action on waste to create compost.Treasure From Trash is our ideology, which encourages people to breathe new life into trash. It symbolises the limitless opportunities we have to nourish the planet.

It is a way of life in which we turn our daily waste into a greener world for future generations. As a result, you are actually contributing to a better environment.

Benefits of Composting.

  1. Compost improve your soil
  2. Helps plants absorb nutrients in your soil and gives extra nutrients .
  3. It maintain PH Value Of Your Soil
  4.  you can dispose complete organic waste, it help to reduce waste.

Also Read: More Benifits of Composting

Waste Segregation:

waste Guidebest Compost Techniques.your daily waste generated have to segregate before making compost, only wet waste can be compost, before segregation you need to know that which type of material is wet waste and which type of material is inorganic material, composting material is organic type of material and that can be compost so below listing indicate that composting and non-composting material.


Read more: How to Segregate Waste at Home?

What can be compost

compost can be done with any type of organic Waste, organic waste is all type of kitchen waste or garden waste which decompose easily, following are some example of waste that can be compost.

09865bbf02fa5368d02652cd1e2d4227b3ca1496 Guidebest Compost Techniques.

Fruits peels, vegetables Peels,poultry fish, Egg crab shells,bakery food, chicken meat, fastfood, meal leftover, garden waste etc.

What can not be Compost?

compost can be done with any type of organic Waste, but some are material are  inorganic waste which can never compost , this type of waste can not decompose easily, following are some example of waste that can not be compost.

inorganic Guidebest Compost Techniques.

Coal or Charcoal Ash, chicken Meat bi bones dairy product pet wast e plastic cloth rubbers, inorganic hard substances, metal glass electrode, medicine/chemical etc.

Also Read :   What should you not compost?

How to start Composting

before starting composting, you should know some basic knowledge about composting. there are some things to know are nueteients balence , moisture content, mixing, heating, ventilation, shredding etc. these all factors are considered during composting.

Following are some point to know during Composting:

1.composting is decomposition process which required green and brown material, green material includes grass clippings,  food scraps, and manure which have Nitrogen, while
Brown materials includes dry leaves, wood chips, and branches, which have carbon & Some ammount of nitrogen.
2.The main function of shredder is to cut waste into small particles, that small particles are easily processed with any processing or natural composting machine that create compost, due to shredder no more time taken to make compost, because natural decomposition occurs to small particle.
3.Living Microorganismsduring a compost heapneed enough moisture to survive. there is presense of water which Provide sufficiet amount of oxygen.
4. mixing or turning  should be there to mix waste properly for good quality Compost. need to give sufficient amount of air for oxygen flow.

How to make compost at home

Before making compost you should remember to follow the instructions.

  1. You should have plenty of time to make compost, then you will get the best compost
  2. If you breathe properly during the composting process on your waste compost quality it will be much better.
  3.  if possible, you can provide at least a little heat, then speed up the composting process and provide good quality
  4. Add a certain amount of carbon source to your waste and then the carbon source action and speed-up process
  5. You can add a certain amount of custom powder to your litter to avoid odor and speed up the composting process, you will get compost in a very short time.
  6. The main ingredients in composting water, liquid waste has a large water content in the waste which we have to remove from the waste and make compost with dry flour.

If you follow the above steps then you can make your own compost or you can make compost bins or devices yourself.

Compost from waste could be used for

Gardening (making your environment look greener and with positive vibes arriving at the spot of our lives.

Agriculture (food waste is nutritious for crops enhancing agriculture output)

What is required for composting?

first of all if you are crazy about composting, it is important to segregate organic & inorganic waste, now organic waste shredd or cuts into small particles for faster decompose and use any type of method for Composting, some of the methods  required more time and high maintenance, some methods are easy to operate and create natural compost, compost can be made with varieties of techniques , you can use any techniques to make compost. There are too many things will require for composting but it depends on which type of techniques you are using? you will required carbon source for composting, which have high content of carbon & definition of carbon source we consider it as brawn material ,it may be dry leaves, straw,  coco- Peat or saw dust etc.

Read here: Why Carbon Source is need to make Composting?

Types or techniques of Composting:

How many type of composting? on which way we can do composting or what are the main composting techniques? these are very important questions that we are thinking and Following some techniques of composting explained in brief.

  1. Vermi-composting.
  2. in vessal composting.
  3. Compost Peat.
  4. making compost by using machines.

1. Vermicomposting:

Vermicompost is incredibly smart methodology to undertake to to compost, wet waste composting through the use of earthworms have conjointly been undertaken. The worms eat away the wet waste and switch out usable compost. AN appropriate atmosphere is provided for vermicomposting to need place. but such composting processes take great quantity of land and time consumption still however it results higher quality output ever. due to process you’ve got need to require care of warms as per atmosphere.

Also Read :What is vermicompost and how to make vermicomposting

2.In-vessel composting

In-vessel composting process waste without taking over the maximum amount space as windrow method and it can any sort of organic waste (e.g., organic waste, animal manure, biosolids, meat,food scraps). This method involves feeding organic materials into a drum or tank , silo, concrete-lined trench, or compost peat . this enables control of the environmental conditions like moisture, temperature and airflow. material or waste inside mechanically turned or mixed for aeration . the dimensions of the vessel depends on volume and capacity.

This method produces compost in less time, but It takes longer for curing until it’s able to use because the microbial activity must balance and degrade temperature.

3.Compost Pit:

recycling of room scraps and also the creation of a natural chemical for garden plants and vegetables. Compost pits provide an easy and free various to buying or building a compost bin, as they’re created right within the ground among your yard.

4.making compost by using machines.

There are so many compost Machines available in market Some machines are really efficient in working and gives natural compost. You can use any method of composting like compost pit, compost tumbler method or Compost bins or Automatic Compost Machine. 

One of the best methods to make compost from your waste is batch type system. In this system, simply just shred your waste into automatic or Manual Shredder which crush waste into small bits and speeds methods of Composting. Then, put crushed waste into tumbler. it would just rotate and makes the compost with aerobic process gives a sustainable low cost solution and then keep the compost into curing racks for curing Process to reduce the temperature of compost which would help in enhancing the quality of compost .

There are two machines  available in the market which works with great efficiency and provides best Quality Compost results as we believe.

  1. Fully-Automatic food waste Compost Machine.
  2. Semi-Automatic food waste composting Machine.

1.Fully-Automatic food waste Compost Machine.

Fully automatic Compost Machines runs on Electricity, generally this type of machine is not working well, so many peoples are using this machine but facing more problem of maintenance and this machine is very Expensive, it claims within 24 hrs compost will be ready, but in general no compost make within 24 hr this is fact. it is not proper way of composting but this machine have some advantages waste can be dispose up to 80-90%, 10-15% leaves behind carbon footprints. Machine works on Electricity ,consumes Electricity due to heating coils inside machines machine is fully automatic you just put waste into this machine and forget for 24 hrs, we can not say compost will be ready but up to 80-90% reduced waste.

2. Semi-Automatic food waste composting Machine.

There are many machines in the market are semi Automatic, it follows process of composting and have advantages and dis-advantages. some machines works on Electricity but consumption is low, Some machines which runs on Solar, plenty of time will require for composting, at least it will take 10 to 15 days by applying technology. There are two types of Machines generally used in market

  1. Batch type system Electrical Compost Machine
  2. Batch type System Solar Compost Machine.

this type of Machines which follow steps and make quality compost.

Batch type system Electrical Compost Machine

Shredding : Shredder Shred waste into small particle to Speed Composting Process.

Mixing Machine: with help of blade & motor ,waste is properly  mixed with Carbon Source and output is sent for curing section.

Curing: here we keep mixed waste in natural air by applying some amount of water or oxygen for performing compost action also curing is used for degrade temperature.

Batch type system Solar Compost Machine

  1. Shredding : Shredder Shred waste into small particle to Speed Composting Process.
  2. Mixing Machine: with help of Rotating tank or cranking handle , turn handle or rotate tank on Bearings, rotation should be there once in a day,  waste is properly  mixed with Carbon Source & results best quality Compost within less time.

Solar Compost Machine:

10kg 2Bfinal 2Bproduct Guidebest Compost Techniques.Solar Powered Compost machine have multiple advantages to use, you save your Electricity, it is maintenance free, Odor free, less expensive, low cost Solution, easy solution to convert your organic waste to Compost. Waste can be convert with Solar Techniques and gives best quality compost due to natural process. Klimrus Company Provides this type of Compost Machines.

Read here:How To Install Solar Compost Machine

Which is best compost maker?

Apart From Compost Machines there are several Machines can  make individually, some of people are using bins which is made up of plastic or terracotta and following compost making Procedure which create compost with good quality, compost can be made on large scale with compost heap Techniques, many countries are using this techniques but it will take more time and create good quality compost. compost you can make at home by using plastic Crate Compost basket or making compost machine at home with low cost. Home Composter can be used for converting your daily generated kitchen waste and you can convert it into useful compost. one of best compost making equipment is compost tumbler, that is highly re commanded because The Efficient and Incredible sustainable solution for Waste Management , this create superior quality compost, it will take more time but create good quality compost.

Also Read : Compost Tumbler is best way to dispose waste.

all four techniques are Method of composting ,The most Leading, Foremost and Pre Eminent Compost Maker. these techniques are available with a low cost Solution, but the above four procedures are applicable to most people.

Hope you understand well about Composting and Techniques of dispose of waste, please share or Comment if you liked this Post and share to maximum People to know about composting.

Convert Society Waste into Compost | Guidebest Compost

solar 2Bcompost 2Bmachine 2Bfor 2Bsociety Guidebest Compost Techniques.

 Solar Compost Machine at Community level (Society Waste into compost)


Refuse what u do not need; Reduce what u do need; reuse what u consume; recycle what u cannot refuse, reduce, or reuse; and rot ( Compost ) the rest. 

How to Convert Society Waste into Compost?

Composting is the technique to dispose waste & reusing it, and adding some natural bacterial Action on waste and converting that waste into compost, Compost can be made by the process of heating, mixing and ventilation & adding carbon source  technique. For the waste disposal , Solar Compost machine can be the obvious Choice. For Exact machine,  we need to know the quantity of  waste  generated in  the Society and Complex, accordingly, can calculate the Solar Compost machine system cost required for composting the waste.
After calculation of daily waste generated , should have assurance of type of waste generated. Labour charges  depends on type of waste. For mixed type of waste it’s mandatory to segregate the waste, mixed waste comprise of dry waste as well as wet waste. Out of which wet waste can be used it for recycling process, it has some value of money, so this type of waste can crush into small pieces and can sell it to to scrap dealers and can earn fruitful handsome amount of money. Wet waste can be converted into compost by using machines or composting pit Technology, after Segregation, Solar Compost Machine plays a major role in it. It is Solar Powered, convert waste into compost with natural process, it takes time to decompose and make quality compost.

Solar Compost Machine for Society:

Society Waste into Compost-Solar Compost Machine.

How this Machine is much worth than other Machines?

  • Getting Enhanced quality of compost.

  • Solar Compost Machine has Low Cost in the market, while fulfilling all criteria as same as other machines.

  • Due to natural or aerobic Process, and continuous aeration it is completely odor free.

  • Machine does not have rotating blades inside, so machine is completely maintenance free. 

  •  Can use this machine under breakdown or under maintenance also.

  • It reduces 50% waste and get almost 40 to 50% compost with quick action.

  • Provides Environment friendly, sustainable solution to waste

  • More efficient than any other machines

  • Certified  no harmful chemicals used, only natural ingredients.

  • Waste to Compost with natural Process.

Principle of this Machine:  

Solar composting Machine for society  works on Heating, Mixing & Ventilation Principle .Here we are giving long time to de-compose waste providing  natural bacterial action on waste, There are two rotating tanks in machine each has 150-200kg capacity, Initially, insert waste into shredder which operates on electricity. The  shredder provided would be  double shaft shredder with low rpm,which would rotate and shred waste into small parts to enhance speed of composting. shredded waste then can be drawn into first tank till it gets filed, then rotate tank which is based on pillow bearing technology once or twice, due to rotating tank, waste would get  properly mixed with carbon source which results better quality Compost.It requires 3 to 4 days to fill one bin . For example; if your daily waste capacity is about 50kg, After one tank is filled , Can draw the waste in the  second tank and follow same procedure, till second tank get filled, till that compost will be ready in first tank by natural process. Since the time given to decompose waste is more and hence can get quality nutrient rich waste. Installation in the open space has advantage of getting compost ready faster due to rate of heat absorbed from sun would be more, due to presence of sunlight..  One more advantage of this machine is that it provides continuous aeration by fans which operates on solar or Electrical to prevent odor and helps to enhance quality of compost, Remove compost from first tank and keep into curing Section or storage section for 3 to 4 days,to degrade or lower the temperature . So thus, the compost would be suitable to use for various purposes.

What to do with Compost?

It is very important question that most of the people asks, when we can convert waste into the compost then stored compost has market value, you can donate it to plant nursery, farmers, local gardens or you can sell it in local market. can also sell this compost to Muncipalty or local government and can also reuse for various purposes as per one’s own requirements.

Please Share this Post to know more about disposal of waste, please comment have any suggestion, you can visit Klimrus who are supplying low Cost Compost Machines.