How to Calculate Waste Generated?

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How To calculate Waste Generated at Society?

Every society person is thinking that how to calculate total amount of waste generated at individual or in Society?

calculate Waste Generated

We are only thinking about wet waste generated at your home or society.

Nobody knows how much waste generated at home or in family, but you can calculate Waste generated with individual person or individual family, some family have 4 members or some family have 6 members or some family have more or some family have less members, then question arises in mind that how to calculate waste is generated at at individual family or in society?

Also Read : How To Segregate Waste at Home?

Generally wet waste can be calculated on average and and some waste can be consider in approximation.

wet waste we found any kind of waste if you are putting it for long period then water content from waste is create at bottom and it smelling badly. if you are daily dispose your waste in your way then it will be very good thing for you, so before treat your waste you should know about waste disposal or at lease you should know how much waste is with you that you have to treat?

if we taking one example for one flat, in a single flat there are living 4 members, then we consider minimum 400grams of waste daily. it is not sure  only that much of waste is generated but on an average waste can be calculated as per flats ( it may be 500g or 1kg )

First method to calculate waste generated,

you can calculate amount of waste is generated in liters and that generated waste you can multiply with garbage density you can get waste generated in gram or kilo gram

calculate Waste Generated

generally when you are collecting waste in buckets find out that litter capacity of that bucket when waste is full by bucket you can multiply garbage density with that liter capacity. for example, if bucket is 20lit capacity then you can use following formula

waste in gram= Garbage density x bucket capacity (in liter)

  • Density of  Garbage, household rubbish  g cm3 = 0.481 g/cm³
Density of garbage is varry as per garbage type or if you shredd garbage or waste then garbage density is less.

waste capacity in gram or Kilo- gram= 0.481 x 20liter

                                                            =962 gram

                                                            =900 g (Aprrox.) 

You can calculate amount of waste generated which is collected, on that basis you can find exact amount of waste generated .

second method to calculate waste generated in society is very simple.

It is very simple to calculate amount of awste generated in society or complex, simply consider per flats waste generated is 400g to 500g then it multiply no. of flats, 

calculate Waste Generated

for eg. in a single flat waste is generated 400 gram and there are 200 flats in society then  

waste generated in Society= Waste generated per flats x no. of flats.

                                            = 400g x 200


                                            =80kg of waste.

 so it  is easy to calculate  waste generated and it is first methods to dispose your waste to know waste generation calculation.

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