can we reduce food waste-reuse waste

vermi 2Bcompost Guidebest Compost Techniques.

How will we tend to cut back food methods to reduce food waste


Vermicomposting.-reduce food waste


Various strategies that incorporate wet waste composting through the utilization of earthworms have conjointly been undertaken. The worms eat away the wet waste and turn out usable compost.

suitable atmosphere is provided for vermicomposting to require place.However such composting processes take large quantity of land and time consumption still. Vermicompost is incredibly smart methodology to try to to compost, wet waste composting through the utilization of earthworms have conjointly been undertaken. The worms eat away the wet waste and turn out usable compost. AN appropriate atmosphere is provided for vermicomposting to require place. but such composting processes take large quantity of land and time consumption still however it results higher quality output ever. because of process you have got to require care of warms as per atmosphere. so reduce food waste by using vermicomposting method.

reduce food waste

reduce food waste


Such style of composting is made by entities that have ample house or property to use such techniques. vermicomposting techniques is additionally easy to use however properly to use such techniques area unit vital, you simply create one aerated box like compost bin and keep your waste and leave earth warms within, maintenance of vermicompost techniques area unit high as compared to different techniques however compost quality is very higher as compared to different techniques.

Composting pits:

Pit is employed for making ready Compost, it’s terribly straightforward methodology to try to to composting.

Composting pits

reduce food waste

it is very important to know one of the best method to reduce food waste is compost pit, recycling of room scraps and also the creation of a natural chemical for garden plants and vegetables. Compost pits provide an easy and free various to buying or building a compost bin, as they’re created right within the ground among your yard.
Such style of composting is made by entities that have ample house or property to use such techniques


Easy to arrange compost.
Zero cost.
Help to scale back the waste.
Clean atmosphere.

The Compost Tumbler:
Compost Tumbler

reduce food waste

Composting Tumbler is best Technology to Convert your Organic Waste into compost and with facilitate of this results smart quality compost. Compost Tumbler Takes To a lot of Time to create Compost Because of Its process.
No matter that compost tumbler is horizontal or vertical however it matters compounding step ought to follow . you’ll be able to place your compost tumbler static however you have got to produce one cracked handle to compounding of waste within.
You can method your waste into compost with low-cost, No extra money have to be compelled to pay over it.
It is maintenance free, No any breakdown happens if follow every and each step of composting.
Results very best quality Compost because of long method and activity.


Easy to compost with compost tumbler.
Low Cost Solution & best method.
help to reduce food waste.
make good quality Compost.

for a lot of details you’ll be able to visit klimrus or drop comment

Read more : Compost Tumblers Convert Waste into usefull Compost

How can we solve waste problem | Guidebest Compost.

recycling Guidebest Compost Techniques.

 How can we solve waste problem?

There are To many Techniques available in the Market to dispose or Solve the Waste Management Problems, waste can recycle, Reuse. We can Convert Waste to Compost or We Can make gas. today waste problem are becoming very serious, and ordinary peoples are ignoring it, every people are thinking that waste problem is to much difficult and it is not easy to solve, but waste problem would not be Problematic if every people are eager to dispose waste in there own way, so dispose of waste is also not difficult, to dispose waste in your way the first step is segregation.

Waste problems have become a pressing issue for many countries, and it has become a global problem, and these can be dangerous to the human in future.  Every People Should think about our future, segregate plastic, E- Waste, or your worn-out shoes, you have to think about the appropriate waste management and disposal. Waste disposal is a lengthy but methodical process that includes burial, burning, recycling, discharge, and other processes.

Below are some Process Of Waste or Reuse or Recycle any type of Waste generated.


Waste Problem Solve by Composting

Recycling is perhaps the best sustainable long term solution for the waste management issues.The inorganic waste collected can be considered as a fodder for recycling. Plastic, metal, Paper, E waste are easily recyclable and can be reused further. However Recycling is mostly undertaken by formal sector. Generally speaking, Plastic, glass and metal is exchanged with kabadiwala at household levels. The kabadiwalas act as a intermediate between waste processing centers. The rest of plastic and metal collected come from a array of informal workers called as ragpickers which also include children as well. Mumbai is home to one the biggest slums in the world called Dharavi slums which surprisingly works as an industrial recycling unit as well. Dharavi’s 13th compound an area which is associated with recycling since decades. It currently employs more than 5000 people in the recycling industry. The area acts as a big segregation plant with collection of plastic, plastic drums, iron scrap, cotton scrap, empty bottles, glass etc.

Also Read: E waste and E waste impact on Urban India


Composting signifies biological decomposition of organic material. Microorganisms decompose the organic material to a stabilized product, i.e. compost. The end product can be used as soil conditioner. The compost generated consists of useful bacteria which can help plants with numerous benefits such as nitrogen fixation, helps soil for water retention, adds nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Thus benefits of compost are numerous and unlike the above alternatives this method seems viable and sustainable in the long run. It is also in sync with nature in general. Composting has the following benefits to agriculture and environment.


Waste Problem Solve by Composting


·  Directs waste away from landfills resulting in
·  less accumulation of garbage and reduces leach ate
·  production (which could contaminate underground resources )
·  Reduces foul odors
·  Avoids methane production in landfills
·  Helps in afforestation programme and
·  increases the suitability of plants.
·  Reduces need for landfill space*


    Helps maintain soil PH levels
·  Adds water retention capacity of the soil
·  Adds organic matter, humus which supplements the soil.
·  Reduces fertilizer requirement
·  Provides a market for compost making and
·  selling thus creating an extra income for the farmers
·  Compost attracts earthworms thus helping in better soil aeration.
·  Helps restore soil conditions as microbes are affected
·  with high usage of chemical fertilizers. 

Waste to Compost Machines | Guidebest Composting.

compost3 Guidebest Compost Techniques.

Is Waste to Compost Machines is good way to dispose waste in proper way..??


Composting seems a feasible way to solve some of the problems associated with waste management, regarding waste management. The circular stated that entities that generate more than 100 kg of wet- waste every day should install within their own capacities to dispose the wet waste. Therefore a lot of entities have made various attempts to segregate the wet waste generated at source from the inorganic waste and utilized the wet waste generated for composting processes. The following techniques have been utilized by them.

 USE of Compost Machines:


Various shopping malls, industrial setups, offices have been using a in-vessel waste composting machine which is basically a mechanical machine that works using electricity, manual labor to convert the wet waste generated into usable compost. The following image shows the machine which is used.


Waste to Compost Machine:


Waste to Compost machines

* A typical in vessel waste to compost machines based on electric power.


Such machines have capacities ranging from low as 5 kg per day to 500 kg per day of wet waste to compost. These machines are the fastest when it comes to create compost. It usually converts the waste into usable soil additives within a 24 hour time.  However the major drawback of the machine is the requirement of electric power which adds to the cost and also the initial capital investment needed to purchase these machine. 

Such machines are now being installed at various places in Mumbai from where BMC does not collect waste. 


Also Read: Convert Wet Waste into Compost

in vessel bio gas waste generator:

Waste to Compost machines

Another Waste to compost machines that solves the issue of wet waste is an in vessel bio gas waste generator(See image above )

Here the operation is simple, the wet waste generated is put into the plastic tanks and with enough time to generate an-aerobic process slurry and bio gas can be collected to generate useful energy. Bio gas generated from such processes can be utilized as a gas to produce heat necessary for cooking purposes. However the bio gas production takes time to generate and also the machine is bulky which would take up space for large amount of food waste disposal.

Manual composting machines. 


This types of Waste to Compost machines are simple in construction which is basically a rotary device which can be rotated manually with the help of a handle. The idea is to store wet waste in such containers and usable compost will be created naturally in a span of 15-20 days. The machine needs to be rotated in order to ensure better mixing and aeration of the waste. However the process though is less costly takes time to create compost and might not be feasible with large generation of food and wet waste. Also will require ample space. See image.


a typical rotary bin composter. There is also an image of shredder which shreds large wet waste particles into smaller particles for faster composting. 



Waste to Compost machines

Also Read:Best Compost Making Machine


Vermicomposting and Composting pits 


Various methods that incorporate wet waste composting through the use of earthworms have also been undertaken. The worms eat away the wet waste and produce usable compost. An suitable environment is provided for vermicomposting to take place. However such composting processes take huge amount of land and time consumption as well.  


vermicomposting pile of wet waste. 



Waste to Compost machines
Such type of composting is produced by entities which have ample space or property to use such techniques.

Compost Tumbler:


Actually Composting Tumbler is one of the best technology to convert your Organic Waste into compost  resulting in  best quality compost which wholly gets over minor drawback of taking too much time to compost. compost tumbler is best Waste to compost machines that solve waste problem or dispose waste with low cost solution.

Composting Tumbler is one of incredible and best technology to convert your Organic Waste into compost resulting in one of the best quality compost. Compost Tumbler takes  more time to Make Compost Because of Its natural aerobic Process but provides equivalent efficient results.

Also Read: Compost Tumbler is best Way to dispose Waste & create Compost.

Solar Compost Machine:

Waste to Compost Machine

This is Manual Machine with easy to use, it is made up of Aluminium or stainless steel as per customization, This machine works under sun rays or Electrical option is provided during rainy season. this machine has timer control for ventilation, this machine basically works on heating, Mixing and Ventilation and carbon Source.there are two partition is provided in the machine, your daily waste you can add in the first partition till it get fill, whenever first partition is full, you can use second partition to fill, so after filling second partition  , you will get compost be ready in first Partition. you can use this compost for your garden, plantation.

solar Powered Composter is Considering India’s Best waste Disposal Manager. heating can be done with natural sunlight which maintain up to 50 deg Celsius, in rainy season you have to add more carbon source to speed composting. mixing will be done manually in the machine, here provided high branded stainless steel shaft with gear mechanism to rotate easily. so here machine will not damage or crack.ventilation is process to avoid smell in Composting, also due to ventilation compost would be made easily and fast. carbon source is main key or heart of composting, you need to add some of carbon source in composting to speed up. carbon source is basically brawn material like saw dust, coco- peat, hay, dry leaves etc.

These are machines Available in Market , people are using and Solving Waste Management Problem and Disposing Waste in Proper way with these techniques.


How to Convert waste into usable compost?

Waste guidebest

How to Convert waste into usable compost?

The earth is all that we all have in common.

Globally 54% of the total population now resides in Urban centers around the world hustling ad bustling here and there in work leaving the waste behind unconsciously harmful not only for their life but life taking for future generations also. With so many people living close to each other results in development of businesses, trade, economy as a whole there is a generation of tons of waste. 

Convert waste into usable compost


Also Read: How can we reduce food waste?

We at Klimrus are endeavor to provide the creative and sustainable solution of this problem by reducing the burden of waste by turning it into efficient and usable products.Since we believe waste is not waste until we leave it as a waste. 

Here’s how we do it. 

55% of the total waste produced is organic in nature. 

Organic waste when left in open attracts pest, emit methane, has foul odor and is not pleasing or creative sticky eyeballing to the eye.

We provide the machine that converts this waste into efficient and quality compost which helps to contribute us to create a better world.

Compost is a byproduct of organic waste free of foul odor and deserving for the better environment.

Initially, waste is segregated into dry waste and wet waste which requires 2 separate bins. & convert waste into usable compost.


 Read Here:how to segregate waste at home?


Once waste is segregated successfully it is followed to the shredding machine 

The shredding machine then reduces the particle size into fine bits acting as a catalyst leading to faster composting. 

The shredded organic waste particles are then added to the machine.  

The machine uses heat and energy from the sun to mix the waste and heat it to high temperature as high as 50-60 degrees Celsius.

Waste is reduced by 60-70 % due to bacterial action at such high temperatures. 

The result after 6-7 days is the production of compost from the waste. 

Convert waste into usable compost

Compost from waste could be used for 

  • Gardening (making your environment look greener and with positive vibes arriving at the spot of our lives.

  • Agriculture (food waste is nutritious for crops enhancing agriculture output)

Benefits of Composting:
  1. Compost improve your soil
  2. Helps plants absorb nutrients in your soil and gives extra nutrients .
  3. It maintain PH Value Of Your Soil
The rest of the waste generated such as plastics and paper could be shredded into smaller pieces for efficient storage and could be sold to scrap dealers for additional income. 

And the best part about the machine is that it completely works on solar energy. Meaning no hefty electricity bills. 

So why wait. Go green and save the environment as “Waste is only a resource at wrong place.” 

Convert waste into usable compost and save environment !

Also read:

What is Composting & how to start Composting ?