Composting techniques and Methods of Composting.

compost methode

Composting techniques and Methods of Composting

Good methods of Composting & New techniques of Composting

Today Composting is playing Very important Role in market, everyone is showing interest in that filed, then is it really composting is that much important? so read all information carefully that you will get best knowledge About composting techniques & Methods of Composting

if you are looking to convert your waste into useful compost or searching best method of composting, then it is need to know what process should follow…

1. Heating



4. carbon source


Treasure From Trash is the philosophy that we follow is about the encouraging breathing life back to waste. it represents the endless possibilities we have tore-Nourish the Planet.

It is a Way of Life, where we turn our every day waste into greener place for generation to come. Thus Truly contributing towards a sustainable world.

We use the method of aerobic decomposition, Adding bacterial action on Bio degradable organic waste with heating 50-60deg. Celcius, Results in Good Quality compost.

There Are too many methods of composting, you can make compost by using machine technology, you can use compost by using solar technology or you can make compost by its own. you can know more about vermi-compost or so on.

but here we are choosing one method that is natural process and compost on solar technology. this type of technology new in the market and company Klimrus Sustainable Solution Provides Waste to Compost machine on Solar technology.

Why Composting On Solar?

           Solar is a free Energy source, we use to utilize & Save Our Cost of Electricity & Dispose Our Waste, With the help of solar energy we can convert our daily waste into compost within less time. so lets discuss this point we compared between electrical machines and Solar Machines. we found following difference between that one.

 Electrical compost Machines:

Advantageous : Fully Automatic, waste disposal 80%.
Disadvantageous : costly, runs on electricity, Machine Will not work under maintenance

Solar Compost machine:

Disadvantageous : Semi Automatic, waste disposal 50%.
Advantageous : cost effective, runs on solar( saves electricity cost), Machine Will work under maintenance.

Methods of Composting

      ” The Machine Is Patent  Device That Combines Technology with Natural Sunlight Radiation to Create Compost. The Machine Saves Initial Capital Investment due to its lower cost than Electrical machines. Additional saving are incurred due to utilization of solar energy. Gives Good Quality Compost without any problem related to pest, insects etc. Composting time in 6 days with batch type system allowed in order to take in your daily generated waste “

What Should We do first?

 Waste Segregation:

The waste is then put into one of the bins till the bin is full. The waste is then added to another bin thus giving time for the first batch to compost.

your daily waste generated have to segregate before making compost, only wet waste can be compost, before segregation you need to know that which type of material is wet waste and which type of material is inorganic material, composting material is organic type of material and that can be compost so below listing indicate that composting and non-composting material.

 CompostingFruits&peels, vegetables & Peels poultry & fish, Egg & crab shells, bakery food, chicken & meat, fast food, meal leftover, garden waste etc.

Non- Composting:Coal or Charcoal Ash, chicken & Meat big bones, dairy product,pet wastes, plastic cloth & rubbers, inorganic & hard substances, metal glass & electrode, medicine/chemical etc.

So, about Solar Composting we need to know how does solar powered compost machine system work?

 Segregated bio Degradable waste is first shredded with our kitchen waste shredder

The waste is then put into one of the bins till the bin is full. The waste is then added to another bin thus giving time for the first batch to compost.

Once the second bin is full the compost from first bin is emptied and then sent to the curing proces.

 After Successful of above three steps final compost will be ready. 

You can use this for your garden or plantation and grow a plants. your waste disposal problem can be solved and also you can get compost for your plantation. so reuse your waste by making compost by using solar machines, you can make compost without solar technology then its fine you , can but it takes some more time to make compost but that quality. also too good. 

Methods of Composting

we can give you composting method tips for without solar technology for our next blogs, you can visit our page for more details.

Also read:How to Convert Society Waste into Compost ? 

to know more about composting you can visit our Composting Section click here to know more please share and comment for your valuable suggestion , so we can give you more information about waste disposal ideas.


Can We Earn Money From Waste | Guide waste disposal ideas

Waste guidebest

How Can We Earn Money From Waste?

If we doesn’t add value, it’s waste.     

Waste is only waste, if we waste it.  It is been said that  Garbage, in its “worthless” state, is the primary fuel for creativityWe can inherently Earn Money from waste.Waste can be treated in 3 Rs. Reduce,Recycle or Reuse and also we can treat well as per our way. Waste is in multiple type garden waste, Kitchen waste , Wet Waste,  Dry  Waste etc. we can reduce or dispose this waste completely, and gradually we can recycle and reuse this waste again. 

earn money from waste

As we know, “Earth is enough for everyone’s need, not for Everyone’s Greed.” Due to the growing population, handling waste is becoming like a nightmare day by day due to its growing as a major serious issue faced by the generations  ……..

and ordinary citizens are ignoring it …..

India generates 62 million solid wastes every year … 70% of these wastes are not processed at all …
About 25 million cubic feet of solid waste is dumped at the dumping ground.
Considering the whole world, 11 billion tons of waste is generated in the world.
Even then, 50 per cent of waste is not processed. Plenty of waste also means the scarcity of resources.
Of all the waste we generate,  is perhaps the greatest symbol of our throwaway society. They are used, then forgotten, and they leave a terrible legacy.   Due to this attitude of ignorance is causing a alarming, and serious issue towards the environment creating a forefront for us to suffer the consequences. The major drawback is , Our next Generations , innocent lives would also suffer due to our unconscious or our attitude of ignorance or our people’s perception of unconsciousness even being known.

In today’s Generation, a person would be willing to spend Rs 100 on his own health … but not Rs 10 on waste disposal. But the person who is trying to save Rs 10 spends Rs 100 unknowingly on the body …. but the person is unconscious about that only polluted waste invites his healthy body.
At present, the corporation only collects garbage by sending bell carts from house to house. The amount of waste collected is burdening the corporation ….
The corporation can do this with pleasure too … just think ….. why don’t you try to keep your health fit????

Now currently if you are not Disposing Waste at your own, then, due to higher amount of waste collected, corporation burnt these garbage or reuse by converting waste into compost but a normal person doesn’t do segregation also, below video show you how waste Problem is growing up as a major issue and how to overcome it?

Watch this Video Till The End You Will get information about huge problems of waste.

There are currently many technical methods for waste disposal.

After watching this video you may know situation of waste, so how to overcome waste problem, how to solve waste management Problem and how we can earn money from waste, can we really earn money from waste , so please read what to do to make money from waste or how to earn money from waste,

Prepare yourself to keep your premises, your flat, your house clean …..
Change your mind ….. change your mind then the country will change …
What to process on waste ???

  1. Make compost from waste, plant trees, give them compost made from waste for better health of plants.
  2. Make durable items from waste … Make decorative items from plastic bottles, pipes.
  3. Reduce the use of plastic bags …
  4. Use as much paper as you need
  5. Can sell compost to Nursery, Municipalities and many more.
  6. Proper disposal of waste is the service you render to the country ….
  7. Make a compost from waste and sell it in market, it is good source to earn money from waste,

This will prove your love for the country.

So don’t Waste your waste and do not invite pollution to ruin healthy body. and Process Waste by using Composting Techniques.and enjoy a HEALTHY LIFE

so do not waste your waste material, so waste can give us money , you can use it for recycling, earn money from waste ,if you found this post valuable please share this post to maximum people to know more details about disposal method of composting.

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