Solar Compost Machine is good idea to dispose waste

solar Compost Machine

Solar Compost Machine is good idea to dispose waste:

Solve Waste Problem of daily generated waste.

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Solar Compost machine have multiple advantageous, it save your Electricity, it is maintenance free, Odor free, less expensive, Easy  to Use, convert your organic waste to Compost.  Waste can be convert into useful compost with Solar  Techniques Machine and gives best quality compost due to natural process.

Today Waste Problem becoming Too much serious and ordinary citizen are ignoring it, India generates more than 60milion tons of waste every day and 70% of waste cannot be Processed. maximum about 20% waste dumped at dumping Ground. if you considering about Whole Word, 11 billion ton of waste is generate, even then 50% of waste cannot be Process, to overcome this problem we developed one machine which convert your Organic waste into Compost by using Solar Technology. Solar Compost Machine Solve Waste Problem of daily generated waste.

Working Of  Solar Compost Machine:

This manual machine is easy to use, it is made from alluminum or stainless steel material, the solar compost machine works under sunrays , it works on electrical in rainy season. The machine works on ventilation technology and is controlled by a timer controller.

Basically the solar compost machine works on heat, mix, vent technology and carbon source.

The machine is divided into two parts, use the daily waste to fill the first part, it may take you 5 to 6 days, when the first part is full, you can use it to fill the second part, when the second part is full, you have to prepare compost in the first part. Yes, you can use this compost for the garden.

Solar powered composters are the best waste disposal manager in India, heating can be done with natural sunlight that maintains a temperature of 50 degrees Celsius, in the rainy season you have to add more carbon source to speed up composting, for mixing, you have to rotate crank Handel manually once in a day, for rotating cranking handle,  here provided high branded stainless steel shaft  with gear mechanism for operation.  machine will not stop working   under maintenance, Composting has a ventilation process to prevent odors, Composting can be made easier and faster due to ventilation. Carbon source is the main key or heart of composting, you need to add some carbon source to composting to increase the speed.  carbon source is basically a material made of branch such as sawdust, coat-peat, grass, dry leaves etc.

Also Read: What is Composting? How to Start Composting at Home?



It’s a way of life, where we turn everyday waste into green space for generations. This is exactly what we are contributing to the eternal world.
We use the aerobic decomposition method, which involves the action of bacteria on biodegradable organic waste at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. Celsius, resulting in quality compost.

Read here: Composting techniques and method of composting.

Why solar compost machine?

Solar compost machine
Solar is a free energy source we use to save and consume our electricity costs and to dispose of waste.

With the help of solar energy we can convert our daily waste into compost in less time.
The method is simple and yet effective. Garbage is first divided into wet waste and dry waste.
Wet waste was collected and divided into small particles to catalyze composting.

Solar Compost Machine

Click here: How to install a solar compost machine in a society

We use solar energy to effectively convert wet waste into compost.
The solar compost machine is a patented pending device that combines technology with radiation from natural sunlight to create compost.
The machine saves the initial capital investment due to the lower cost than the electrical machine. Additional savings are made due to the use of solar energy.
Provides quality compost without any problems related to insects, worms, rats.
Composting time allowed in 6 days with batch type system to take your daily generated waste.
For more information about Solar compost Machine leave comments on our website klimrus company or in the comments section.

Compost Tumblers | Convert Waste into useful Compost | guidebest Compost

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Compost Tumbler is best way to organic Waste to  fertiliser

The Compost Tumblers – The Efficient and Incredible sustainable solution for Waste Management

Compost Tumbler

There are different types of compost tumblers available in market with different technology. Some are vertical & some are horizontal or some are static, then question arise which compost tumbler is best for composting?

Here is your Answer.

As with the well-said quote goes, “Earth is for Everyone’s need, not for Everyone’s Greed.” And what we waste it , it goes somewhere else but it is on earth itself. It doesn’t matter if the compost tumbler is horizontal or vertical but the thing that only matters is mixing .Compost tumbler can remain or made static but with the cracked handle needed for mixing of waste inside. 

Actually Composting Tumbler is one of the best technology to convert your Organic Waste into compost  resulting in  best quality compost which wholly gets over minor drawback of taking too much time to compost.

 To convert the waste into efficient quality compost in tumbler, the following guidelines should be followed:

To accelerate up the composting process, initially waste can be crush or shred  into shredder which would reduce the volume of waste and facilitate for further process.( Shredder is considered to be as essential equipment for composting). The Composting Procedure takes place in three process:


In composting technology, composting tumbler convert your organic waste into compost by providing some heat or some bacterial action to waste which can convert the waste into compost easily. Composting tumbler can be place under the sun rays or can install in open space.due to in vessal composting and made up of high density polyethelene there is no more heat is required for composting. 


It is one of the most important steps of getting compost and plays a major role in it.  Due to lack of precise mixing, can lead in delays to make compost, so regular surveillance is necessary and have to rotate  with rotating or with crack handle, hence composting bacteria would  spreads all over and facilitates composting easily.

3. Ventilation:

It is one of the important step required for living Micro-organism. It prevents odour provided given ventilation is adequate to compost tumbler. It  oxalises to living microorganism. Due to these, the  bacterial action increases and enhance the quality of compost within less time.

4.Carbon Source: 

Carbon source is just the method to speed up the compost with natural process by adding some Culture powder, saw dust or coco peat or dry leaves require to make composting. It also  helps for natural heating process.

  After accomplishing all the above stages, the last step is drainage. During composting compost, creation of water content takes place during conversion of waste. Just remove water content from drum with the help of pipe or anything. So after this you can get good quality compost ready within less time.

Also it is always better to prefer pair of compost tumbler, since while first tumbler get full, second one can be use and till second gets full, compost will be ready in the first tumbler. Alternatively, the disposal of the daily waste can be done continuously.

Also Read: Which is best Compost Maker?

Which  Techniques is better- Horrizontal or Vertical?

Generally, for Composting you need to followed by above steps , you will get good quality compost but I preffer or recommend Verical Compost tumbler than horrizontal Compost Tumbler because it is easy to handel take less space, also it works fast than horrizontal. only you need to provide bearings to vertical one.

What is Capacity Of Compost Tumbler?

Compost Tumbler capacity starts from 40 litere to 210 liters in market, 210 liter capacity tumbler single unit will take 10 to 15kg daily waste till fill. vertical compost tumbler ocupy space with paiir of tumbler than horrizontal single tumbler.

For better understanding please watch video

What are advantageous of Compost Tumbler?

Advantages :

1. Cheaper than other machines of the same capacity providing the same best quality of compost.

2. Maintenance free.

3. Results best Quality Compost due to long process and natural action.

4. No Smelling, composting Tumbler is ongoing Process, you have to rotate tanks or drums ( tumbler) atleast once a day, You will get good quality compost.

5. Easy to handel: Rotation and handling is Very easy and also it is easily available anywhere if any issues created, you can replace or repaire it easily.


1. it will required open splace or more space to install.

2. you can not dispose more waste inside, you need again new one. 

For more details or in case of any grievances or queries , you can visit comment   anytime we will reply with satisfactory answer.

Composting techniques and Methods of Composting.

compost methode

Composting techniques and Methods of Composting

Good methods of Composting & New techniques of Composting

Today Composting is playing Very important Role in market, everyone is showing interest in that filed, then is it really composting is that much important? so read all information carefully that you will get best knowledge About composting techniques & Methods of Composting

if you are looking to convert your waste into useful compost or searching best method of composting, then it is need to know what process should follow…

1. Heating



4. carbon source


Treasure From Trash is the philosophy that we follow is about the encouraging breathing life back to waste. it represents the endless possibilities we have tore-Nourish the Planet.

It is a Way of Life, where we turn our every day waste into greener place for generation to come. Thus Truly contributing towards a sustainable world.

We use the method of aerobic decomposition, Adding bacterial action on Bio degradable organic waste with heating 50-60deg. Celcius, Results in Good Quality compost.

There Are too many methods of composting, you can make compost by using machine technology, you can use compost by using solar technology or you can make compost by its own. you can know more about vermi-compost or so on.

but here we are choosing one method that is natural process and compost on solar technology. this type of technology new in the market and company Klimrus Sustainable Solution Provides Waste to Compost machine on Solar technology.

Why Composting On Solar?

           Solar is a free Energy source, we use to utilize & Save Our Cost of Electricity & Dispose Our Waste, With the help of solar energy we can convert our daily waste into compost within less time. so lets discuss this point we compared between electrical machines and Solar Machines. we found following difference between that one.

 Electrical compost Machines:

Advantageous : Fully Automatic, waste disposal 80%.
Disadvantageous : costly, runs on electricity, Machine Will not work under maintenance

Solar Compost machine:

Disadvantageous : Semi Automatic, waste disposal 50%.
Advantageous : cost effective, runs on solar( saves electricity cost), Machine Will work under maintenance.

Methods of Composting

      ” The Machine Is Patent  Device That Combines Technology with Natural Sunlight Radiation to Create Compost. The Machine Saves Initial Capital Investment due to its lower cost than Electrical machines. Additional saving are incurred due to utilization of solar energy. Gives Good Quality Compost without any problem related to pest, insects etc. Composting time in 6 days with batch type system allowed in order to take in your daily generated waste “

What Should We do first?

 Waste Segregation:

The waste is then put into one of the bins till the bin is full. The waste is then added to another bin thus giving time for the first batch to compost.

your daily waste generated have to segregate before making compost, only wet waste can be compost, before segregation you need to know that which type of material is wet waste and which type of material is inorganic material, composting material is organic type of material and that can be compost so below listing indicate that composting and non-composting material.

 CompostingFruits&peels, vegetables & Peels poultry & fish, Egg & crab shells, bakery food, chicken & meat, fast food, meal leftover, garden waste etc.

Non- Composting:Coal or Charcoal Ash, chicken & Meat big bones, dairy product,pet wastes, plastic cloth & rubbers, inorganic & hard substances, metal glass & electrode, medicine/chemical etc.

So, about Solar Composting we need to know how does solar powered compost machine system work?

 Segregated bio Degradable waste is first shredded with our kitchen waste shredder

The waste is then put into one of the bins till the bin is full. The waste is then added to another bin thus giving time for the first batch to compost.

Once the second bin is full the compost from first bin is emptied and then sent to the curing proces.

 After Successful of above three steps final compost will be ready. 

You can use this for your garden or plantation and grow a plants. your waste disposal problem can be solved and also you can get compost for your plantation. so reuse your waste by making compost by using solar machines, you can make compost without solar technology then its fine you , can but it takes some more time to make compost but that quality. also too good. 

Methods of Composting

we can give you composting method tips for without solar technology for our next blogs, you can visit our page for more details.

Also read:How to Convert Society Waste into Compost ? 

to know more about composting you can visit our Composting Section click here to know more please share and comment for your valuable suggestion , so we can give you more information about waste disposal ideas.


Solar Powered Compost Machine Invented by two Engineer

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Our Jorney Starts with Solar Powered Compost Machine…

The user-friendly and low-cost solar-powered compost machines are for everybody.

Proper disposal of waste can prevent 60% of waste from entering the landfill

image Guidebest Compost Techniques.
solar powered compost machine success story


At present the issue of waste disposal is very serious, every person, even if we think about proper disposal of personal waste, we can reduce waste by 60% ourselves.
the process of converting wet Waste into compost can be done in a bin manualy or a unit that on electricity.electrical devices not only consume Electricity but also leaves behind massive carbon footprints. composting is use to save the environment. To eliminate this problem, we started our business from Maharashtra’s Thane district have Invented machine that run on solar.


“An electric compost Machine needs power for the Heating, Mixing and Areation process, community composting unit uses around 1500 units per month, and the bill can come up to Rs 15,000. You are burning the environment and your pocket. Which is why we designed units with solar panels that produce electricity from the sun. Only the shredder machine  will require electricity in system, which won’t be more than 2 units per day,”


we have designed multiple variations of the machine to suit different requirements, and all you need is an area that measures a minimum of 100 sq. ft., to install one.
From a household generating one kilo of wet garbage to  generating company 500 kilos, ecofriendly and low-cost machines are for everyone.
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Compost Machine

Further, the cost of the Machine is 50 per cent less than the conventional ones.

 “Our 50-kilo capacity unit costs one lakh , Whereas another Machine in market with the same capacity which runs on elctricity costs around four lakhs,”

A unit meant for a family costs anywhere between Rs 8000 to 12000. For a large Machine that can complet community-level composting, the Price depends on the capacity. Their biggest Machine is priced at Rs 9 lakh that treats up to 500 kilos of wet garbage.

Advantageos of this machine is that if there isn’t enough sunlight in your house, the solar panels can be installed on the terrace or any other place where sunlight presents. The smallest machine produces up to 200 watts of energy, whereas a 500-kilo system can generate 1kilowatts that can be used for composting.

solar compost image 1 41 Guidebest Compost Techniques.

Another advantage of the system is that it is maintenance-free and odourless during use .

 “ a 50-kilo machine that treats garbage of nearly 100 flats. you have to appoint only one person who does the entire process in a hassle-free manner. It is very simple and easy-to-use. you can use the freshly made compost in your gardens,”  

Solar Compost Machine Sysyem Works:

Here’s a 3-step process:


1.  Shredder : Deposit the wet garbage, including vegetable waste, peels, eggshells, coffee/tea powder, food waste, and so on in the shredder. shredder will shred the waste into tiny pieces in shredder provided with system.


2. Solar Compost Machine: Transfer the pieces to a heated chamber for mixing. Here waste is adequately mixed with browns like dry leaves, cocopeat or sawdust as carbon source to remove moisture and prevent foul odour. Keep the mix inside the chamber for six days. The mixture is heated to a temperature of 50-60 degree celsius by the use of solar-powered machine.


3. Curring section: Transfer the newly made compost to a storage rack and keep it for 3-4  days for cooling.

How it all started

It all started when ut Tuvik and I, during an engineering course at Nagpur University, went on a trip to Ambernath after our graduation.
At the time, Rutvick was completing  a sustainability course from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in mumbai, and I was working for a private firm that daels with waste management at pune.
“We were on our bikes looking at the mound of rubbish dumped on the dumping ground. This was a trigger for both of us. Mountains are a symbol of beauty, not waste. We decided to base our knowledge on the use and design of low cost composting equipment on sustainability and work experience, ”he said.

“This eye-opening incident forced us to find a way to dispose of the waste at the source, and in the end we decided to build a composting machine as it is more possible to treat wet waste than to recycle dry waste.”

We worked hard to develop a model that was different from the traditional machines that already existed in the market. In parallel, they conducted surveys with electric composting units in housing organizations to understand needs and errors.

“We found two common problems, high electricity bills and heavy maintenance. So, we know our option should be greener and less expensive, “he said.

We studied the research journal and watched numerous videos. When we were hitting the last stage, we came across the technology of solar dryer which can be integrated into the composting machine.

Integrating technology was not an easy task. We did many experiments and tests before cracking the formula. During this time, we faced many challenges and limitations.

“We spent about one lakh to realize that the waste storage capacity for the first prototype is very low. We installed waste processing units free of charge in our neighboring building. ”

Once our final prototype was successful, it was successfully tested in several buildings in Thane and Mumbai.

In 2017, we registered our company ‘Klimrus Sustainable Solution Pvt Ltd’. So far we have sold 70 machines to individual households, housing societies, hostels, hotels and companies including Pune-based Mondelez International, which manufactures the beloved Cadbury range of chocolates.

Making Compost in Less Than 10 Days

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Once contacted, a team from Klimrus Sustainable Solution will install the machine, shredder and solar panels and train you or a housekeeping staff on how to run the system.
for compact designes we also provide with good machine with manual shredder and atrractive machines.
“We have created two compartments inside the unit for a continuous cycle; If one is filled, you can continue the process in the other. The entire solar-run process takes around ten days. In a 100-kilo unit, you will have 30 kilos of nutrient-rich organic compost,”
25kg compost machine with shredder 41 Guidebest Compost Techniques.


In a country like India, which generates 62 million tonnes of waste every year, treating garbage at source is the first step to reduce this massive generation. Composting is an easy way you can start with, and green units developed by us can effectively help curb the waste.

So basically make compost by its own…or contact for more guidance, we cleare every daubts regarding waste disposal. Comment any suggestion if you have for our better success.